Chapter 7: Awakening and Battle of Kuoh

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After what had happened last night, The ORC and Kyoto class started working together to figure out what was happening with Kiba and Y/n.

Issei: So has Kiba contacted you?

Rias: Not even once. Has there been any word on Y/n?

Alice: Not since last night, no. He wouldn't have just runoff.

Ela: Of course. Y/n's very nice and wouldn't leave anyone behind.

Koneko: Y/n-senpai...

Asia: I hope he's alright...

Issei: Did we make things worse?

Rias: We couldn't wait for them to contact us, so we sent our familiars to search around town. And when we did...


All of them had used a magic circle to teleport to an empty road where Irina's body lay with her outfit ripped.

Issei: Irina! 

Akeno: This is...

Issei: Asia!

Asia came over and began to heal Irina as she coughed for air.

Issei: Irina, what happened? Where are Kiba and Xenovia?

Irina: Th-The other away...

Issei: Got away?

Irina: Where's...Y/n?

Asia: Y/n? He was here?

Irina: At night, he found me but I blacked out before I knew what happened to him...I'm sorry...

Irina had passed out while Asia continued to heal her. A blue magic circle had appeared in front of the group as Sona, Tsubaki, and Saji arrived.

Rias: Thanks for coming, Sona.

Sona: The damage is pretty bad, isn't it?

Asia: Y-Yes. Twilight Healing can't recover consumed stamina.

Sona: There is equipment to treat her at my house.

Nergi: Damn it! We should be finding Y/n instead of wasting time.

Issei: Who cares about that bastard? Irina is hurt!

Nergi: I care! And if you don't want to be put six feet under then I suggest you shut up.

Everyone then had a bad feeling nearby.

Saji: What is this feeling?

Issei: No way!

???: Well lookie here...You took the bait and are all gathered now, huh? 

Issei: Freed!

Both Rias and Sona held their respective magic circle's in their hands.

Freed: Woah, w-wait a sec, wait a sec. Someone wants to talk to that red-haired lady over there.

Rias: Someone?

Freed: Yeah, my boss.

The sky got dark as everyone looked up to see a fallen angel with ten wings.

Kokabiel: Nice to meet you, I suppose? Daughter of the House of Gremory. My name is Kokabiel.

Rias: Why did you contact me?

Kokabiel: I was just thinking of starting with your stronghold, Kuoh Academy, and running wild in this town.

Rias: If you do that, the war between God, the fallen angels, and the devils will break out again.

Nergi: Ugh! Who cares! You fallen angel bastard! What did you do to Y/n?!

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