The Drawings For Memory

Start from the beginning

"Amethyst thinks this could be a sleepover" he says, I nod and make some room on the couch for him. Amethyst drags a chair over so it's facing us and puts Judith next to us.

"You can take off your mask. It's just us here, they won't be back til morning" I say, cuddling up under the blanket and Duane does the same with his blanket, Amethyst doesn't do anything, like she's thinking.

"I don't want scare baby" she signs, pointing at Judith then pointing at her own face covered with the mask.

"You won't" I say, she stares at Judith for a couple minutes, only getting a sleepy look from said toddler.

Amethyst reaches behind her head and unties her mask, pulling it off her face, her hair falling into her face but she pushes some behind her ear and looks at Judith. Meanwhile, Duane and I watch in curiosity when Judith stares at her.

Judith starts crying and Amethyst is quick to put her mask back on, but Judith continues crying, Amethyst picks her up and starts rocking her when she gets Judith on her hip.

"You two sleep" she tells us, going towards the kitchen.

Duane and I look at each other with concern before deciding to actually sleep.

3rd Person POV

Amethyst walks into the kitchen with the upset Judith and sets her on the baby chair, she grabs the bottle of applesauce that Carol told her to grab when Judith got hungry.

"Hungry baby?" Amethyst asks, grabbing a spoon and holding it towards Judith's mouth.

When Judith doesn't open her mouth, Amethyst thinks of another way to feed the baby.

"Hungry tiger?" she asks, moving the spoon around and making it growl like a tiger, Judith giggles and Amethyst puts it near her mouth, the toddler is quick to eat the applesauce, getting some around her mouth.

Amethyst hesitates.

Amethyst pulls the mask off her face and stares at Judith, and Judith stares back.

"Tiger go grrr" Amethyst whispers, moving another spoon of applesauce in front of the toddler, who soon eats it.

"You just hungry" Amethyst whispers, in relief, Judith giggles and plays with the ribbon that ties the mask.

After feeding her, Amethyst cleans up Judith and walks around the kitchen.

"Sleepy baby" Amethyst hums when Judith's eyes start to close, Amethyst holds Judith and walks back out to the living room, setting Judith in the crib. Judith is still holding Amethyst's mask.

"Amethyst? Can you tell us about the zoo? The one you told me about?" Duane asks, Amethyst looks up and sees the two teenagers laying under the blankets on the couch, looking at her.

"Tiger?" Amethyst asks, Duane nods.

For the first time in a long time, a smile forms on Amethyst's lips.

"Beautiful tiger. She was sweetheart. Love her food" Amethyst says, thinking back to a time before the end.

Her memory remembering a beautiful tiger, a coat of fur that'd make faux fur coats jealous.

"Roxy thought I crazy for go there so much" Amethyst says, looking at Judith.

"But Tiger take my breath away. Animals always catch my eye" she whispers, looking back at the two kids with a smile.

"Ahhh, you two sleep now" she says when she sees their grins. Amethyst grabs the mask from Judith's crib and leans back in the chair.


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