𝐕𝐈𝐈: Peer Pressure?

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My doubts crept in when Sandra's horn blared through my window. The sun shone a tad brighter than its 6:30 p.m. appearance. Mum helped me with my face, even though I tried to talk her against it.

"It's good for you, Emery," she said. "Do what your peers are doing."

I wanted to hug her and Nora. I wanted to be there by her side, with dad by my side. I didn't care what my peers were doing. She was hurting and I hadn't noticed until recently that they'd been hiding things from me. Like Nora's going to the hospital when I was in school.

It felt like they were closing their emotions up around me. I wished I could know why but I didn't want to appear desperate. That would chase them away.

I was about to reply when my phone rang. That was good because I didn't know what to offer as a reply. It was Francesca calling. Francesca Leibing was my second boss and I knew that if she was calling me, it was something about work. For some reason, Francesca and I didn't go together.

Reluctantly, I accepted the call. She said, "Shop's filled, Emery. You'll have to come here as soon as you can."

I rose to my feet and replied, "I'm on my way."

Mum took my phone from my hand and spoke to Francesca. "Hello, Francesca. . .This is Jennifer. . .Yes, Emery's mother. She won't be able to come this evening. . .It's important too. . .Thank you for understanding."

When she gave me my phone, I accepted it reluctantly. "You didn't have to."

"But I did." And she left the room.

I was standing in the living room and heading to the front door when Sandra swung it open and walked in. She was wearing a red gown without sleeves that went all the way to the floor but had a slit on the right side from her thigh down. A heavy silver necklace rested below her neck. When she walked past me to hug Mum, I saw that the gown showed her back while long silver strings from the necklace filled the vacancy. Her golden hair wore an embroidered headpiece that almost looked like a crown, and bracelets covered her wrists.

"Good evening, Ms Scother."

"Sandra." Mum stood up and returned the hug. Nora who was on the sofa whispered a hey and ignored the encounter by watching TV. Rowan came down and was heading to the kitchen when his eyes met Sandra.


"Hi, Rowan. Nice to meet you." She smiled.

He smiled back, observing her appearance, how the dress hugged her curves, how her slit exposed her leg, and how elegantly amazing she looked in a red romantic gown.

I could imagine King's similar reaction when he would see her later in the evening and how they would talk for hours and then I would pass the night unnoticed in my dusty pink flare dress. I turned away so no one would have to see my facial expression. I didn't know how I looked though.

I left the house and waited in Sandra's car, tapping my fingers on the glove box impatiently. I rested on it and faced the window so that I would see when Sandra walked out.

She did, almost fifteen minutes later. Nora was hugging her when the door swung open while Rowan stood by the door, observing Sandra. Mum just had a warm smile on her face.

I sighed.

Sandra got into the car, and with one last wave at my family, she drove away. The lyrics of the song that played seemed to occupy her mind, and inadvertently, no conversation was stirred between us.

I tapped my fingers on the glovebox and soon, it formed a rhythm that matched the song.


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