Chapter 23

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Hyunsuk stands at the balcony, looking up the orange sky with his hands holding the balcony railing. The sun gently hits his soft face, shining on his porcelain skin. He slowly lets out a sigh.

It's been a week since the incident happened. The castle never been more alive than now. He should be happy now but why does he feel... anxious? Something seems off. Like, this happiness, won't last long. His instinct is telling him that he shouldn't be too comfortable and always keep his guard up.

Also... Jaehyuk. That man is seriously suspicious. He didn't told anyone about what did he encountered outside the castle. When they ask him about it, he just goes 'nothing special. I met nothing'. Too bad he is a good liar and others believed him. But Hyunsuk knows damn well that there's something that he's hiding. Well, god knows what is it...

"Hyunsuk hyung" Hyunsuk turns his upper body around, hearing his name mentioned. Junkyu is standing right behind him, making eye contact.

"You look distracted. What's bothering you, hyung? Shouldn't you be happy now that our family got back together?"

"Junkyu-ya..." he inhales "I think the time has come for me to tell them the truth" Hyunsuk bites his lower lip. "I shouldn't hide this anymore. They have the rights to know what had happened, in the past"

"And, I'm afraid that I won't have the chance to say it when I die someday" Tears start falling on Hyunsuk's cheeks.

"Hyung why did you say that? It's your birthday tomorrow, you'll turn 120. Be happy and stop over-thinking" said Junkyu while putting both of his hands on Hyunsuk's shoulder.

"Y-yeah I should be happy" he muttered while wiping his tears.

Get it together, Hyunsuk. Don't be such a cry baby.

"We'll tell them together, okay? Don't cry. We're here with you" Jihoon who was watching them the whole time, slowly makes his way to Hyunsuk and caresses his cheeks slowly.

"Okay, let's go" said Hyunsuk with a smile. He grab Jihoon and Junkyu who was taller than him by hand. Making their way to the great hall, where the others are.

sorry for ghosting you guys. I'll update like usual again - author

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