Chapter 22

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Jaehyuk walks into the old library. He moves his eyes around the dusty room, looking for Asahi and Yedam. His dark orbs got caught at the wide opened passage leading to the spell room. 

They probably at the spell room, he thought. Without hesitation, Jaehyuk follows them. He walks down the dark stairs. 

"Thought you've quit doing magic..." Jaehyuk hears a voice which he believes is Yedam's. He didn't enter the room right away, instead, Jaehyuk stands at the entrance of the room to hear their conversation. He connects his back to the wall to make sure they didn't see him.

"No but I just do it because I like doing it. Don't worry I won't do anything stupid anymore" Asahi said calmly with a soft smile. He's busy arranging the messy books on the desk.

"It's not because of the powers, is it?" Yedam asked with a calm voice. He turns his head facing Asahi, searching for the truth in the man's face. Asahi's hand stopped moving. He curves his lips upwards.

"I envy you Yedam... We live a complete different life. You with your amazing power and me, who need to do more to fit in... I don't think I should be here" He said in low tone.

"Hyung we've already talked about this yesterday. Why did you say that? We all love you for who you are"

Asahi didn't answer instead continuing his works. Yedam sighs.

"Hyung..." Asahi looks at Yedam who just called him. They make an eye contact. 

"Now I understand you" Yedam looks down. Asahi's face is twisted in confusion.

"If I'm at your place, I would act like you too" 

"So I don't blame you for doing whatever you're doing right now. But I just want you to know that, you should be grateful for not borning into me" he let out a small chuckle, mocking himself. Asahi is startled.

"What do you mean?" Asahi faces his body in front Yedam. Yedam lifts his head and make eye contact with Asahi's boba eyes.

"You'll might envy what you see in me from the outside..." Yedam inhales as deep as he can.

"But trust me hyung, you wouldn't want to feel how is it feel like to be me in the inside..." he bites his lower lip.

Silence starts dominating the room. No sounds of lizards hissing, the cauldron or anything. Just them facing each other with an intense eye contact. Ones with confusion and the other one with pain.

"I hear everything, even the slightest sound of wind, I hear them all... And It's painful..." Yedam smiles. Asahi knows damn well that that he's not smiling because of happiness nor relief. He's in pain.. Asahi pats Yedam's back. 

"I hear the sounds of cockroaches as clear as a bell, I hear people talking as if they are yelling at me, and hear the sounds of thunderstorm," Yedam inhales. His voice trembles like a rough textured wall. "as loud as the volcanic eruption"

"If I can choose one thing that I want, I want to get rid of my power... I'm tired... I'm tired of hearing everything that I don't even want to hear" Yedam's voice starting to get emotional as he expressed everything he've been holding back for 120 years. "It's killing me..." Yedam bites his lower lip. Gaining confidence to confess his painful back story...

90 years ago,

"Yedam-ah, come eat" Yedam's attention suddenly swerve from the book on his hand to the man who called him just now. Junkyu is putting his hand on his shoulder with a smile.

Yedam gets up from his bed and follows Junkyu to go to the dining hall. As soon as they enter the hall, the sounds of forks meeting spoons greet them with ear-piercing echos. Yedam closes his eyes and cover his ears with his hands. He kneel at the ground.

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