The muzzled boy grunted and grabbed on Kurapika's hand, beginning to swing all three of their arms. The blonde let out a soft chuckle while Gon smiled widely. "Hang on, you three!" Leorio yelled, running to catch up with the three boys. Y/N tilted his head back trying to see the tall man, but decided against it and fixed his posture before turning his head.

Y/N sighed and turned around. He could smell someone else... the same smell on those boxes. To be completely honest, he smelt like BO. The very scent made the male gag, a gentle growl heaving his lips. "Are you alright, Y/N?" Gon asked, tilting his head to the side. The boy nodded, shaking his head with a shiver going down his whole body. His e/c orbs glanced at the blonde who's cheeks seemed red. He panicked and pulled his hand away before clinging to Gon.

"H-Hah?" Leorio blinked and looked at the boy. It was such a swift movement and for what?

Kurapika let out a gentle gasp, "is there something on me?" He asked as they entered a town. His cheeks were back to their normal color... Was he just seeing things? A soft whine left his lips, the short male beginning to bow multiple times as a way to beg for forgiveness. "I-It's alright! Don't worry about it." Kurapika chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. Y/N immediately grabbed his hand and held it in his own, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.

"Why did you pull away?" He finally asked.

Y/N came to a stop and used his foot to trace into the ground 'Sic' is what is spelt. He then pointed to his cheeks. "Oh! His cheeks are red?" Gon asked, tilting his head to the side. "Ah, I promise I'm not sick. Sorry to worry you, Y/N." Kurapika smiled, placing his hand on his chest. The male let out soft sigh of relief before nodded and pressing his hands together.

The male blinked and sniffed at the air, looking around. "What is it, Y/N?" Gon asked. He carefully lifted his hand, two doors opening. It scared the male, causing him to jump back. Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika jumped as well... not as frightened as Y/N who was gripping at his chest and heavily breathing through his nose.

Leorio grunted while Kurapika careful pulled Y/N back up to what looked like an old woman. The demon's confused gaze looked around the area, his legs slowly spreading before he just plopped on the ground. A soft hum left his lips as he leaned forward. His gaze lifted again, how come they were wearing silly costumes?

Are they to perform! Oh, how exciting! Y/N's confusion turned into amazement, his eyes sparkling as he paid close attention. Will there be magic tricks? "Exciting." The old woman spoke, Y/N tilting his head to the side. "Exciting?" Leorio muttered, his head tilting as well. "Exciting." She repeated. Leorio cocked his eyebrow and repeated as well. "Exciting."

The boy looked between the two, his eyebrows furrowing. Exciting circus? "Time for an exciting multiple quiz!" The elder yelled as the people next to her started playing instruments. Now this, was exciting. Y/N's e/c orbs sparkled, beginning to clap his hands. He then froze, 'Quiz? How.. to?' He let out a panicked hum before falling back, his legs shooting up in the air before smacking back on the ground.

A soft chuckle caused the male to look to his left, Kurapika holding his hand over his mouth. "I'm guessing you don't like quizzes that much." He spoke. The male shook his head, his hair rubbing on the dirt. The elderly woman spoke once more, "let me take a guess. You kids are headed for the cedar on the hill, aren't you? There is only one way to get there and that is to pass through this town. The only way to pass is if you answer my question correctly." Y/N blinked. Question, as in one? He can do that, he has enough brain power!

Leorio's eyebrows furrowed. "Hold on, what's going on here?" He asked, obviously fuming. The woman didn't seem to care, for she just ignored Leorio's question. "You have five seconds to answer. If you're correct you can move on. If not, you are disqualified for this year's hunter exam." Y/N's eyes widened. His breath hitched as he stared... There was a cloud shaped like a kitty in the sky.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭. ✗ 𝖧𝗑𝖧 ❥Where stories live. Discover now