Chapter 24

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To My Taehyung,

Its been nine months since you left me. In these nine months, I have oscillated between the burden to live without your presence, as well as the fractured truth of your death.

My belief in you will still hold strong, but with the fear of height and the headache long gone, I still know the story was wrong, but the truth cannot be denied. Your death did not feel real to me until after a week. That was when I had given up all hopes that I had held of you walking back in my life. Of this all being a mistake, a misunderstanding of cosmos.

I burned for you. And today, I feel I am going to be finally reduced to ashes in it.

I cant hold on any longer, I am too weak. I tried my best for our child, I tried to give her all of my strength. You wanted a girl, did you not? Maybe she will be born, but Tae, I don't think I will live to hold her. I don't feel I'll survive it.

I love her so much, the only reason that I could keep going. Her little kicks, your blood in her veins. I do wish to see her little face before I close my eyes, but I feel I might not be able to.

In my life, in this birth, you taught me two big things Taehyung.

How love could be so pure, that the thought of a smile from your lover could be enough to make you fight the world for it to be manifested, how it could be so protective, that your own pain could be forgotten in the face of your lover's safety.

And you also taught me, how a love can run so deep, that its pain could viciously tear you apart without a single scratch on your skin, with no physical evidence of the tremendous, soul shattering torture of living a life with just a chestful of memories.

Memories . . . are worse than any living situation. You cant fight memories, you can just submerge in it, letting it boil you over and over until you have no identity left to claim. All the happiness stored in the heart of the past, becomes the cause of it being ripped apart.

You promised me that you would remain beside me while my soul still existed. That was the one promise that I asked from you. A situation that I feared the most.

It was my only fear. Of you leaving me alone.

And you did just that. You made sure to make me live with my worst fear in the life connected to yours.

For this, you will pay.

We will be born again Taehyung, you will be born in a realm where I too shall live. And in that life, your worst fear of me shall take place. You were afraid of your dark desires hurting me? Then that is exactly what will happen. You will be haunted by an obsession so strong, that your love for me will become paltry in comparison to it. You will live in the fear of it, not knowing how to come near me, or how to stay away.

If my pain for you has been true, then this curse will bloom in your life too.


We will meet again.

And when we do, I will not let you go. I will never let you go.

In our next life, death wont take you from me. In our next life the only pain I will feel would be physical. The burden of the emotional torment will be yours.

In our next life Taehyung, I will still love you as much as I did in this. I will still live for you.

This shall be my last letter to you in this lifetime.

Eternally Yours,



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