reincarnated or something else

Start from the beginning

Y/n: i chose the sakura empire shipgirls rather than the others because i feel like it too

S/n: were really brother and sister huh

Y/n: of course

S/n: whats your favorite shipgirl brother

Y/n: hmmm

S/n: my one is enterprise because i feel like it

Y/n: really ?.....

S/n: hehe

Y/n: my one is nagato

S/n: woah brother i didnt knew you were into lolis !?

Y/n: w-what no i-its not like that

S/n: oh~ you even oath her

I instantly turned off my phone while still very flustered

Y/n: its...uh

S/n: calm down im only teasing

Y/n: *sigh*, ok now lets go home it getting dark

S/n: ok

We started to walk slowly to go home but then

Random girl: ahhhhhh !!

Y/n: whats that ?

Then someone got stabbed

Y/n: bruh aight im out, lets go s/n

After that we walked in a fast pace to get out from that scene

S/n: woah that went from zero to a hundred very quickly

Y/n: yeah

After we reached our house i opened the door

Y/n: im home

S/n: me too

Mom: ok, and get ready for dinner

Im already ready for dinner

So i waited  and something interesting was on the news

News: this just ini there was a salary man that got stabbed today infront of the office he worked his name was satoru mikami he was protecting a friend from getting stabbed

Y/n: i hope he doesn't reincarnate into a god or something, *sigh* what am i thinking

Mom: dinners ready

Y/n: ok mom

Timeskip brought to you by a blue slime

Its sleeping time

Y/n: i hope tommorrow will stay the same

Timeskip again in y/n's dream

???: its time to go home

Y/n: huh?, What do you mean go home, im already home

???: No youre not home

Y/n: what do you mean

???: You will find that answer on your own

Then my conscious on my dream faded and my body turned cold

After a few minutes i was conscious again but i was in a dark space

Then some thing was pulling me in an instant i was sitting ?

I have legs and arms again

I opened my eyes slowly to see a Japanese styled room and infront of me was a table and tea

Y/n: where am i

Huh, a voice of a girl ?

Y/n: whose there !?

Wait.... That voice sounds so familiar

I looked at my hands, and they are...

Y/n: small... Wait small hands

I looked what im wearing

Y/n: WHAT, A DRESS !!!

i instantly covered my mouth

I looked at the dress again and the colours was red and white

...this is not going where im thinking this is going to right



them someone opened the door

With a KATANA in hand

But somehow i didnt flinch

???: Are you alright nagato-nee !

( Ill start using the Japanese word after the names like up there)

Wait the one holding the katana is kawakaze and the one thats talking to me was MUTSU

Y/n/nagato: i am alright mutsu, kawakaze

Then i am... NAGATO!!!

(Yup the end of the first chapter hehe thanks for reading)

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