Now that I think about it, I'm not sure why I selected this absurd job over my well-paid monthly career. At least I could afford certain luxuries with that employment, but now I'm struggling to make ends meet. It's already been three months since the opening, and there's still no growth.

A clang at the front entrance startles me. My head whips up nervously as I see a man stroll in. He comes to a halt in front of the counter and looks at me.

"How may I assist you, sir?" I say with a bright smile on my face. Right now, I'm hell nervous.

He remains silent and continues to scan the shop and the goodies on the counter. I can't help but assume he got in by accident.

"Would you like to try some muffins? It tastes like a combination of chocolate and blueberry. I'm confident you'll enjoy it," I say as I walk forward to dish a muffin for him.

" Are you guys hiring workers?" The man says reluctantly.

Yoongi comes out of the kitchen at the right moment, and I exchange a puzzled glance with him. Is it possible that I misheard something? Is he looking for a job?


"Can I work here?" The man asks hesitantly, biting his lower lip.

I glance at Yoongi once again, not knowing what to reply to the man standing in front.

"I apologize, but we cannot recruit anybody at this time. I hope this makes sense to you," Yoongi replies in his casual cold tone.

The man exchanges his gaze between Yoongi and me, "I see. But I desperately need a job; could you perhaps retain me for a while?"

I know there is nothing to get angry but is he blind? Can't he see we fucking don't have customers, might not be able to pay the rent next month, and he wants a job?

"Listen, mister..."

"Do you have any experience with bakery before?" Yoongi replies, his gaze fixed on the man.

"It's my first time, actually. I want to try something new, and I can make sure that you won't regret keeping me," The man says, with his hands respectfully resting in front of him and a pleasant grin on his face.

"Fine! Go over there and change in the t-shirt kept in the dressing room," Yoongi says, pointing him in the right direction. "Don't forget the apron," he adds.

The man smiles and bows his head toward us as he enters the dressing room.

"Are you serious, Yoongs?" I say in disbelief. "You are hiring a worker when we don't even have any employment?" I yell at Yoongi. Sometimes I just don't get what goes in his diabolical mind.

"I don't place my cards without thinking, Azzy," he says calmly, still gazing at the man.

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you see how fit he is? We will earn mounds if we make him strip in our club."

"Oh, Lord! Yoongs. Stop it! Just get over that club thing now, please."

"Okay, now relax. I'm tired of being bored," As he advances his head towards me, Yoongi adds.

"What?" I ask him, frustrated.

"Let's give him a shot," Yoongi continues grasping my hand and making me sit with him near the counter, "Come on in, have a seat, and enjoy the moment. Let's see how persistent he can be," he adds and clicks his tongue. Oh, Lord! Tell me, what can I do with this guy?

"Are you in your right mind, Mr. Min?"

"Don't I look like?" Yoongi says, pretending to be angry. I can never win with this guy.

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