Chapter five(6)A clash

Start from the beginning

They were on the third street awey from theirs when kaltoom spotted a familiar face it was her classmate from greys they weren't too close in school and so couldn't be called friends but she decided to say hi
"hey there Laila long time no see!" She said with a genuine smile surprise at herself for remembering the said Lailas name
Laila smiled back and greeted Farouk then kaltoom.
The chatted for about five minutes and where exchanging contacts when a familiar voice called out "Laila I'm done shall we? He said fixing his long sleeve shirt and just then their eyes met.....

"um hi" Adyan managed to break the awkward moment just in time Farouk who was resting by the wall making a phone call came and gave Adyan a brotherly hug and you know the guys moment began
it was then kaltoom learnt that Farouk and Adyan were once classmates in the same high school and so were the latter.
Instead of the jogging as planned they went down habil cafe in Adyan's car with the girls at the back and the guys in front .
They chatted as the enjoy their drinks Laila learnt there that her brother have met kaltoom a couple of times in school and that she goes to the same school with her she was so excited

"please marry my brother I'll serve you forever"

Laila joked and only her and Farouk found it funny while the other duos just gave an awkward smile and kaltoom glared at Adyan
"I won't make that mistake" she said and covered it up with a laugh
"you'd be lucky if you ever make that sweet mistake"
Laila corrected earning her a smile from Adyan.

They got on pretty well and had a pretty good evening it was almost time for magrib prayer so they made to leave Adyan dropped kaltoom and Farouk at home and said farewell after they promised to make time for a get together before they both leave the country and the girls promised to chat each other when they are both settled for the day

Laila just sent kaltoom the pictures they took at the cafe and they looked great she posted one and immediately Amani viewed it and reply "couple crush! With a smiley face and a heart emoji kaltoom called her immediately and explained everything that happened before she accuse her of  hiding things from her Amani gave an ear piercing squeal " you know what I think? She asked kaltoom who just nod as though Amani could see her then said a no
"I think you and Adyan are made for each other I mean look at all the circumstances the coincidences and everything do you think it's for nothing?
She asked without expecting a reply and continued

"I feel something big would soon happen and you would remind me that I told you before mark my words" she said excitedly
"yeas of course since Amani the fortune teller has spoken.. do you think we live in a fairy world where every thing happens the way you predict that guy is too egocentric and annoying I can't stand him and I don't think we would ever be a thing"

she said with finality laced in her voice Amani just sighed and changed the topic after they were done she went online and saw Laila's message she replied her and they began to chat about everything and nothing and just then Laila brought up the topic of her brother up kaltoom felt for a minute like Laila and Amani were ganging up on her about Adyan's issue it's not like he asked her out as though Laila was reading her mind she replied "I know my brother and I feel he has a thing for you the way her stares at you, your silly arguments and fights my bro won't even mind you he won't even cross path with you twice he hasn't been like this with any girl apart from me and khairiya ever since I know.. she ended her reply with 🥺☹️ 
"okey miss Juliet but there's no point in having a thing for him since we ain't sure about how he feels"

that was kaltoom's reply "how about we confirm.. now over to you do you like my brother? Laila asked
"I'm not sure, your brothers very annoying I'd rather not say" and that's how they continued to chat with Laila telling kaltoom about Adyan until they got tired and said goodbye.. since then kaltoom couldn't take the thought out of her mind yes Adyan do irritate her a little but never the less he was charming she shoved the thought off her mind and took her bathe then retired for the day.

The annoying vibration of his phone was what bought him back from the stream of thoughts he was drowning in "hey what's up man? Afdal his  best friend also they go to the same school said through the line "man I'm good... he started "no you are not, something's eating you up and you're gonna tell me" knowing Afdal was very adamant and won't let him be without an explanation he decided to open up to him besides he was his human diary ask Afdal anything absolutely anything about Adyan and you would get detail explanation so he spoke up "man!!! He started stressing the "n" " I like a girl" he dropped the bombshell and just as expected Afdal gave a squeal but a squeak as Adyan would say "okey who is she? Where does she live? When are you guys making it official? Afdal bombard him with questions Adyan sighed and cleared his throat.......

Hey guys first cliff hanger (squeals 🥺💃🥂)
We got a new character yeah!!! I don't like boys that go awwwn awwwn and squeals but.,,,,
Follow me let's see how this would go
I love y'all
Ciao 👋❤️

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