alexa play DONTTRUSTME by 3OH!3

Start from the beginning

"Serena, can you hear me? Serena!"

My eyes snapped open and I looked into Izuku's worried eyes, and I felt Bakugo's grip even tighter on my forearms. Izuku was the only thing keeping my head from lolling from side to side as I groaned in agony.

I felt like shit.

"Kacchan, we gotta get her to recovery girl."

"Yeah I know. We gotta pick her up."

"I got it."

Izuku carefully picked me up, and I leaned my head into his chest.

"It's okay Serena. We're gonna get you all better. I promise."

He carried me to Recovery Girl, and he gently laid me down on the bed. At this point, I felt like I was sweating.

Recovery Girl planted a kiss on my forehead, and I slowly nodded off.

I was at the park, watching AJ and Kosuke sit together. They kissed. As soon as their lips touched, I was transported into a dark room, and heard AJ sobbing.

She cried out in pain, and I ran through dozens of doors, the sound of her constantly getting nearer, but I was never able to find her.

Flashes of Kosuke continued to replay in my mind, and every time, it felt like a punch to my gut. I was in pain, stumbling around, AJ begging for help.

I looked down and saw a pool of blood. I checked around my body, but it wasn't mine. I wasn't bleeding.

I fumbled around this small dark room, and found a light switch.

The moment I flicked it on, I froze, nausea fighting it's way up my throat.

Feathers led their way to the middle of the room, and in the midst of all the feathers and blood, laid my sister. My little twin sister AJ.

Her arms were sprawled out, and her hero costume was blood stained. Her eyes were glassy, and there were tear tracks on her cheeks. Her face was so drained of color, it was almost impossible to look at. Her hair looked like a ratty doll that had been thrown on the side of the road.

I fell to my knees, and sobbed so long my throat hurt.

"AJ! AJ! AJ!"

I screamed and screamed, and pounded the ground.

I started awake, Bakugo holding down my legs and Izuku holding down my arms.

"Serena! What's wrong?"

Izuku asked, panicking as he looked into my eyes.

"AJ...AJ....where's AJ....?" I whispered frantically, my eyes darting around the room.

It continually flashed in my head. AJ and Kosuke. Kosuke and AJ. AJ dead. Kosuke. Kosuke. AJ. Dead. Death. Blood.

I saw Bakugo on the phone with someone, and maybe a few minutes after he hung up, AJ had rushed in the room.

I felt so tired, my body was limp, and all I really could do was stare at her. I told her not to conjoin, simply because I didn't want her to see the horror in my head. I didn't want that for her.

Despite my protests, she grabbed my hand, and we conjoined.

Obviously you don't understand it, but I knocked AJ unconscious. Have you ever seen that episode of spongebob? The one where squidward is alone in this endless white space, with nothing but his own voice echoing on the walls?

That's what happens when she's unconscious and I'm stuck. I can't do anything. Even when she's sleeping, I have the ability to enter her dreams, or even interact with the world in her dreams. I don't really sleep, and when I do I don't usually have dreams. I've never known why, but I just never have. Not until whatever just happened.

I was walking in the dark emptiness by myself, my feet echoing. All I could hear was my own breathing. It was so eerily silent, I swear I could even hear my heartbeat.

I didn't know what to do. It was so...empty. So alone. I was stuck for who knows how long. I finally sat down and thought about what had happened. What did the dream mean? Was it just a nightmare? Was it because we were away for too long? We were usually so careful about not leaving each other for extended periods of time, so what happened?

The silence and the flash of my nightmare was a painful experience. There was nothing I could do to stop it. I was going to be stuck here for who knows how long, and there was nothing to do. I just had to sit here and wait until AJ eventually wakes up. Which I would hope was soon.

Please wake up. Please wake up. Please AJ, I need you to wake up.

I sat there and pondered everything. Only one thought repeated over and over and over.

Kosuke. Death. Kosuke. Death.

Don't trust Kosuke.

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