Ch 6: Worst Ending

Start from the beginning

But sometimes, even the purest of hearts could turn into the darkest of nightmares. And such would be the case for Aatrox.

To think, he was a kwami with a kind heart at one point. But it was a curse inside him that took everything from him. And he was unable to stop it.

It took the lives of Kiil, Laara and many other of his bretheren to turn him into a monster.

A monster...

Would that be the right term to calm him? Or was it something everyone sees him as? Mayne they did not know the full story?

Why would he kill with no remorse? Surely there had to be another reason than to just satisfy his own sanity.

Bunnyx's burrow

"N-no... No, no, no, this can't be real!" she denied and dropped to her knees, tears threatening to fall. Seeing no reason to stay transformed for the time being, Fluff came out of her pocket watch.


"Th-they're dead... I... I could not do anything to stop it... Why, why couldn't I do anything?"

Fluff's ears dropped. "Because wrong manipulation of time can have dire consquences. But please remember that this is only one of many timelines. I think I know how I can fix it, but... It will be risky." Fluff offered.

Alix wiped the tears away, even if they continued to fall afterward. Regardless, her attention was on her kwami.

"I'm listening..."

"I am going to need to take over your body from here on out. Whatever effects occur won't apply to us, since we are in the middle of the time stream."

"I get it... You want to start looking into other timelines..." Alix muttered.

Fluff nodded.

"It's risky, however, it is safer for me to do it rather than Aatrox."

"How so?"

"Aatrox can also erase timelines if he wanted to. If he finds a result not to his liking, he can reset to a point where it all began and find an ending he wants. But then there is a side effect to using timeline erasure."

"Deja vu." Alix replied.

"Deja vu won't affect the person doing the erasure. If I delete timelines, Aatrox will have no clue on where he wouls go wrong, but our friends may get deja vu, feeling as if they have been in a similar situation before and act accordingly." Fluff explained.

"How is that different? Aatrox erasing a timeline would still give our friends deja vu, right?"

"Yes, but he would remember the events of the erased timeline and use that to his advantage. Just trust me. I know this will work."

Alix looked down, her eyes catching a glimpse of one of the many time portals in the burrow. A timeline where she was laughing with the others.

That was a dream and a memory worth protecting.

"Let's do it. Clockwise!"


Rain and thunder. It was soothing. But Aatrox did not complain. He was glad. Glad that Reality allowed him to revel in their victory and gave him full control over his body.

That conversatiom went smooth as butter in the kwamis eyes.


"So, let me get this straight. You want me to take control of your body?" Aatrox asked.

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