Ch 2: Life Happens

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(Marinette POV)

It was ball night. I could not have asked for a more beautiful night. The sky was completely clear, with so many stars and the moon illuminating  over the planet. I could even see the Milky Way galaxy!

I was almost ready for the ball. I put on my last piece of make-up. I just needed to put on my new dress that I ordered.

I made my way to the closet, got undressed and then took out my new outfit. It was a beautiful red dress with glitter on it. The left side was torn so that my leg was shown in it. Yeah, one would not expect a 17 year old to wear it, but it's a fancy event. I can't not wear it. And my parents were really happy with my purchase, since it was one of the first investments I made for myself.

And at least I will be by Adrien's side the whole evening, so no perverts will try anything. And hey, being Ladybug, everyone should know I can break their bones if I so wanted to.

As the final touch, I untied my hair and combed it, adding a few flower decorations for good measure.

"How do I look, Tikki?" I asked as I twirled around to show off my dress.

"Absolutely beautiful, Marinette!" she smiled.

"It's not too much, is it? Maybe I overdid it..." I began to have second thoughts. I knew it was just my nervousness, but when one is going to a formal event, one HAS to look good!

"Marinette, you have nothing to worry about. Just relax and go have fun!" my kwami said.

She was right. I was overthinking things again. With a nod and a smile, I put on my red high heels, grabbed my purse and headed downstairs where a  black limo was waiting for me.

The driver opened the door for me and I took a seat at the back. It was Adrien's limo. No, not the one that looked like a car. This was an actual long limosine. Surprise surprise, my boyfriend was waiting for me inside.

"Hey, M'lady. You look beautiful tonight." he greeted with a cheeky grin.

Look who is talking? He was wearing a black tuxedo with a red bowtie. And his hair was fixed up perfectly.

"Well hey handsome. Ready for the party?" I inquired. Yeah, my flirting game may need some work still.

"You bet. We should be arriving in about ten minutes or so."

"What is the ball like anyway?" I asked curiously. I had never been to such an event before. I figured I should learn a few things before I knew what I let myself get talked into.

"Well, we would not be having it, but father decided to just celebrate one year of peace. I did ask why the mayor couldn't do that, but he said that it's also secretly to celebrate my mom coming back. So he wants everyone to just enjoy themselves." Adrien explained.

"Sounds interesting. I just hope I won't embarrass myself in there." I giggled nervously.

"Hehe, you'll be fine. You have Tikki with you, right?"

"Of course. She's in my purse, most likely taking a nap. Can't leave her behind in case there is some trouble." I answered.

Adrien simply nodded to me, having nothing to add to the conversation. Then we went quiet, only silence between us. This was pretty normal with us and we don't wanma change it. Sometimes silence is good. Gives ud time to think our own thoughts and just enjoy the moment.

My thoughts shifted to two days ago, when I stopped those robbers. I could not get it out of my head. Sure, I was smug and cocky with them, but deep down, their threats concerned me. Do I have a big target on my back now? Who was their boss? Was it Reality? No, that could not have been it. He has not been seen for over a year and will most likely not return.

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