11. A tale of Cannibals and Mermaids

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Kiara's first week in Bluewood passed by in a blur. She went trekking almost everyday with uncle Jasper. Went to a lot of lunches and dinners because everyone in Bluewood was apparently related to each other. There were no family-only dinners. Everyone just made enough to feed the people in their home multiplied by three. She also had balcony chats with Jason in the evenings. It was strangely familiar yet unfamiliar.

Friday evening, Hazel finally managed to drag her to the pack house. It was the one place Kiara was still apprehensive of entering. Technically, she knew she was surrounded by wolves, but to enter their den, it gave her goosebumps. She took deep breaths as they walked the vast ground that would lead them to the wolf den.

"Don't worry" Matt, who once again appeared next to her out of nowhere, whispered "I made sure the kids know to behave with Misha around"

"You seem to be very worried about my sister"

"Of course. She's not drunk enough for another slip up" he winked

Kiara glared at him "You slipped up"

"You are never gonna let me get over that embarrassment, are you?"

Kiara frowned "Was that embarrassing for you?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't think much about that. Not about your slip up, that is" Kiara assured him, the poor guy seemed to take it personally "It's not about you. You might have been the catalyst in bringing this to light for me, but I am more worried about my uncle and upset that he chose to hide this from his family. You don't have to worry. You didn't scar me....much" she shrugged at the last word.

"A little?" He raised a brow.

"Yeah" she admitted "Now that I think about it, in the bonfire light, when your eyes glowed, I think I almost had a heart attack. You are kind of huge. Are all the werewolves that size? That's not how normal wolves are"

"We are usually bigger, yes. Depends on your body mass. If you are a big human, you can't just shrug away that size and be smaller" he nodded "You didn't see anyone else shift? Aren't you curious?"

"I am not a curious person. Once was enough. Thank you very much"

"If you are okay with it, I could do it again. I am the only one you saw, maybe a second time will be a less scary introduction to us" he offered.

"What are you guys talking about?" It was only when Misha joined them that Kiara realized that they were walking ahead of the rest. She looked behind to find Hazel and Flynn in a deep conversation of their own. They were almost at the entrance of the pack house.

"Work" Matt told Misha with a charming smile.

"What about work?" Misha insisted.

"I was telling Kiara about my mean boss" the wolves are such good liars.

"Uncle Henry?"

"No, uncle Henry's an angel. Daniel Wood on the other hand is the devil himself reincarnated"

"That's your father" Misha giggled.

Matt grinned back "I'm the devil's spawn" he winked.

Kiara chucked "You should have met the parasites I worked with"

"Good thing you got rid of them, right?" Matt wiggled his brow "I sometimes want to drop it all and disappear"

"You can't, can you?" Kiara felt a strange sadness for the boy. He was too young to be burdened by such a huge responsibility. In the past week, other than randomly popping up for a few moments, they barely saw him. Hazel told Kiara all about the rules of succession of Bluewood. Kiara couldn't imagine growing up with the burden of so many hopes.

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