10. The Wolf's Trap

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Kiara kept staring at that single harmless word.

Was it that easy? All she had to do was ask? She thought he would make an excuse. She thought she could use that as an excuse to stop talking to him before she got anymore involved with him. She thought a lot of things but not this.


When would she be ready to meet him? Was she brave enough to shatter the illusion? Was she ready to lose this person who has become a constant in her life?

Somewhere, in the back of her mind, she wondered what it would be like if the opposite happens. If he becomes more permanent and present in her life. But that could not be so easy. Kiara has never been lucky in love.

There has to be a reason for his secrecy. This was not going to end well. Kiara hated that her heart broke at the thought of it all coming to an end.

'Maybe after I return home' She felt pathetic as she tapped to send the mail. She was buying time. If she stayed in Bluewood for the full month, she could talk to him for another month.

'Cool! Are you okay?'

'Of course. I went to uncle Henry's office today. What about you?'

'Me too. Went to office, that is' he replied

'On a Sunday?'

'What can I say? My heart was there today. I had to follow it'

'I can't believe I am friends with a workaholic'

'It's your fault'

Everything seems to be Kiara's fault these days. She shouldn't have spoken for those damned sheeps. That's what started this. She would still have her job and be living in her own home unaware of the whole parallel world that her uncle stumbled upon. It was all her fault.


Kiara came up to her room after dinner to find light shining through her balcony. So, instead of switching on the light to her room, she walked towards the balcony and pulled open the glass door.

There was someone on the balcony opposite her, smoking.

"Oh sorry!" Jason quickly stubbed the butt of his cigarette on the rail he was leaning against "I didn't know they gave you this room"

"It's fine" Kiara assured him "I usually stay here when I visit. I never saw you there either"

"You don't visit often"

"Not in the last couple of years. I had little vacation time"

"Even if you did, who would want to visit poor old Bluewood when you could be anywhere else in the world, right?" he smiled.

"Bluewood is beautiful" It was. Kiara could not deny the truth. It was always beautiful and mysterious to her. Now she knows why.

"I know. I kind of didn't like it very much growing up. Everyone is always in your business. This town is so loud, you know. But then I stayed away for a couple of years and I couldn't wait to get back. There is no place like home"

Kiara could see that in Jason. He was content here yet he was like oil to Bluewood's water. He has his own space, his own pace. This was the first time she saw him in something not formal. The three times she met him previously, he was either at work or getting to it or getting out of it. And she came here on a weekend.

"Yeah! nothing like home" she agreed.

"Listen, I am sorry about yesterday" He started "It must have been scary to witness that"

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