9. Noble Intentions.

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Matt stared at her for a moment before shaking his head "Only you would say something like that"

"You don't know me"

"I have heard of your famous pessimism, your gloomy outlook of the world"

"If you did, you should also realize that I didn't ask uncle Henry to show me his office out of curiosity for his workplace"

"No. You separated him from your uncle so you can grill and threaten him alone"

Was she that transparent? "And you still tagged along"

"We are here" Henry cleared his throat "You can ask me anything, Kia. Let's just not do this here. Come on, we can talk in my office"

The Woods office was near the exit of the town, closer to the humans. It was unconventionally built. While most of the corporate buildings Kiara's been to were clustered together, cramming for space, Bluewood's corporate space had only five towers, roughly twenty stories each. They were in a circle, like a flower with five petals, with the middle working as a common space for all the different companies established there.

The buildings looked about the same age. Henry explained that the corporate space was his mother's idea and it still had empty spaces for when someone in the town wanted to start something new.

Henry drove them to this huge underground parking space that was shaped like a ring running along the five towers. As far as Kiara could see, it was empty except for one other car that probably belonged to some workaholic loner.

As if on cue, Matt said "Cool! Jason's here too"

They entered one of the buildings and took the elevator to Henry's floor. The open floor concept with the few cabins separated by glass walls told Kiara that privacy wasn't one of the biggest concerns for the wolves.

They entered one of those glass cabins, it was Henry's. Again, spacious. These small town folks had no idea how lucky they were to have so much space to call their own. Henry's cabin was half the size of the entire floor of Kiara's firm, her ex-firm.

"It's spacious" Kiara commented, looking around.

"We get claustrophobic easily," Henry explained, nodding at the couch by the window "Shall we begin?"

"With him here?" she asked, pointing at Matt who had made himself comfortable in one of the couches like he owned it. He probably did.

"There is very little secret between pack" Henry replied "But if it makes you uncomfortable..."


"Wolves" Matt said "Pack. Wolf pack. Never heard of it?"

"Not ones that turn into human"

"What can I say, we enjoy the best of both worlds" there was that stupid smirk again. Kiara stared at him until the smirk died down.

"Anyways, uncle Henry, did you ever kill anyone?" she ignored Matt to focus on the task she came here for.

Henry choked "No. Never. Why would you ever think so?"

"Well, wild animals in packs fight, don't they? Wolves are predators, they prey?"

"I am pretty useless as a wolf" Henry replied "Jasper loves the wild more than I do. That's why they decided to let me handle the part of the family business which need you to put on a suit and attend boring board meetings"

"That's true" Matt nodded "He only shifts once a month out of necessity. The only person he has ever punched is uncle Eric and we all agree that uncle Eric has a very punchable face"

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