❂| 015. La Push Baby!!

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The beach was freezing and so was Sebastian, already trying to steal all the blankets and snuggle into Jasper's coat, would be lying if he wasn't missing Jasper and the cold which came with him, that was different, not this freezing kind of cold, more like comforting cold, the one which soothes you, strange.

Mike, Jessica, and Tyler were suiting up for going to surf, real idiotic move, Sebastian and Isabella, sometime can't understand them but she wanted to be friends with them and he will always keep her company and still don't trust Eric, the nerds real to be crazy.

A flash pops up and Sebastian knew who caused it, Angela stood there with her camera, showing the photo she clicked to Bella, "look, Seb, you actually cute in it", Seb's interest peaked up and he was finally leaving the Blanket's nest he made and trying to grab the camera, but Bella ran with it, Seb chasing her around the van, "Ella stop, lord I feel dizzy" Sebastian whined but Isabella laughed and Seb smiled at his twin, they were having fun, it felt nice.

Angela stops them both and took her camera back, cradling the device like it was her child, the twins apologized to her, Angela fiddled with her camera, the twins have noticed how she always does that, when there's something on her mind.

"what's bothering you, Angela?" Sebastian asks her, while Bella moves closer to her, Angela takes a small breath, "I think Eric gonna ask me", "for prom?" Bella asks her, "yeah, but then he just doesn't?", she looks confused, Seb puts one of his arms over her shoulder and Bella follows him too, "then you should ask him," Bella tells her, Angela looks at her and then at Seb, "yeah, you should, you are a strong woman" Seb continues Bella's answer, "very strong" she repeats after them, the twins' nods to her and she leaves them to find Eric.

"Seb, Bella" Jacob Black shouts their name, bringing all the attention onto him and the other Quileute boys with him, the twins waves to them, noticing the other two guys, "Jacob, stalking us now?" Sebastian punches on his shoulder and Jacob pulls him into him, ruffling his hair, "remember, you both are on my rez?", Bella introduces him to all of her friends while Seb tries to free himself from Jacob.

"that's good, Sebastian's boyfriend bailed on him, so did Bella's date" Jessica blinked her eyes, just like some kind of evil witch using her magic, Sebastian felt angry, he was so done with her jealously, but Bella stopped him, just touch from Bella and he was calm, Jacob felt hurt, it was strange, Was Sebastian dating someone and so did Isabella, "he's not my boyfriend," Seb tells her off, "just to be polite" Bella tells her off too, Jessica was playing a dangerous game, annoying the brother and thinking the sister won't retaliate, very naïve of her.

"You are always clinging to him, always making out with him, and he isn't your boyfriend" Jessica spoke casually, too casually for anyone's liking, Angela came and stood in front of her, cutting her from the gaze that the twins were casting over her and how Jacob and his friends were staring at her in anger,

"I think it's nice, they invited them, no one ever does that" Angela tries her best to lighten the mood, but there was something she was forgetting, Mike Newton hated Jasper, how easily he came in and swept Sebastian from his feet and no matter he tried to stop himself, he failed, "Coz, the Cullens are freak", he spoke coldly, the jealousy and hatred laced in every word.

"Wait, you dating a Cullen?", the question was directed toward both of the twins, "you know them?" Bella asks Sam, his facial feature changes very quickly, Seb didn't like how Sam spoke of them, "they don't come here", Jacobs silents him with a nod and made a mental note to ask the twins about them.

Sebastian was only here, cause Bella asked of him and he was getting too much annoyed, Bella sensing it and seeing the past interaction, pulled both Jacob and Seb with her, "let's go watch the tide pool" she tells them, smiling a little more than usual, Seb and Jacob nods at her and follows her, Jacob drops one of his arms over Seb and Seb was loving the heat from him, he was acting as an alive blanket for him, making some of Seb's mood better.

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