Twelve - "Are you practicing to be a mannequin?"

Start from the beginning

"If you keep on doing that, it would surely convince me that you're way younger than forty-five."

My goodness! I keep on forgetting that I'm supposed to be forty-five. I should stop beaming when I'm in front of him.

Pretending not to hear him, I took the glass of orange juice that he offered earlier, and sipped slowly.

"I saw a young woman at the servants' hall this morning. Who was that?"

His question caught me off guard. My eyes grew big, staring at him.

Oh no... so that confirmed my suspicion. He saw the real me this morning!

Darn it. I was so reckless. What should I do now?

He continued, when I did not answer, "long brown hair... fair skin. She was looking at the lake by the window. Do you know her?"

"I... I don't..."

"You don't know her? You should know who's coming in and out of the estate, Miss Rosi, that's part of your job," he shook his head disappointedly.

"Of course, sir. I know her," I said abruptly, my face burned with embarrassment for making another lie, "she's um... She's my niece. She... she lost the key to her flat, and she begged me last night, if she could sleep over for a night. I could not say no, I don't want anything to happen to her, especially that her parents are not here. They're on vacation in the Caribbean."

"Yeah, Mr. Rosi. That Caribbean vacation is his reward for being one of our most trusted employees," he nodded, "so that was his daughter."

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry if I let her stay here without your permission. I hope you don't mind," I was holding my breath, and crossing my fingers together.

"Of course not," he smiled, then took a sip of water, "so, where is she now?"

"Um... she's back in her flat."

"And where is that?"

"In the city proper."

His dark eyebrows rose, "is she working?"

"Yes, she is," I diverted the topic, by telling him that the strawberries are ready to harvest, "you should see it, sir. The garden looks beautiful."

"Maybe tomorrow," he replied, then continued to ask, "where is she working?"

I sighed heavily. He would never stop asking, until I gave him all the answers he wanted. I looked at the food, we were still halfway in finishing them.

"She works as a researcher for a writer."

"Who's the writer?"

"Um, I really don't know. She said the research is very confidential. It involves the government."

"Did she go to university?"

I nodded, "she just graduated with a degree in history."

"Interesting. I'm sure, she's very smart."

I did not know if I should be flattered or not, since I was telling him some lies.

"And very pretty too," he smiled, his eyes were playful, "next time she visits, you should introduce us. I want to meet her."

My eyebrows rose immediately.

So, the interview is about the real me, and not about me as the housekeeper.

Typical guy with raging hormones, who wouldn't rest after seeing a woman they were curious to meet. I should have let this beast starve to death.

"I doubt if she'll come back, sir. She's very busy with her work."

"Does she have a boyfriend?"

My temper flared up at the question. Damn. He asked casually with no shame, like How's the weather today? What's for breakfast?

"Actually, she has, and they're engaged."

"What a pity," he said, looking genuinely disappointed, "by the way, what's her name?"

"Miss Rosi," I replied.

He chuckled, "I know. But I'm asking for her first name."

I wonder if I should give it to him? If I do not, he will call dad and ask him. I don't want that to happen, because dad will know where I am, and Mr. Kristov Stavrakos will find out that I'm in disguise. Poor aunt Jodie, if that happens.

"Pia. Pia Rosi," I answered, confident that he did not know my first name as his housekeeper. Anyways, he did not have the habit of remembering his staff's first names.

"So, you and your niece have the same first names?"

My mouth dropped open, merely stared at him, and tongue-tied.

Oh no. Now I'm dead meat.

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