<36> Kisses and Promises

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'She gonna make decisions either way

I swear ever since I hit it I ain't ever been the same, yeah'


Silence hung upon us till we settled in our seats and the light dimmed. My legs kept on moving, I was restless. Though, it felt good to let it out in front of Jinah, I still could feel that I disappointed her.

I knew I was being selfish, but, is there any wrong to be selfish for once? I didn't know if I was doing right by being with Jimin, but he made me feel happy. Shouldn't that be a good enough reason?

That's when a hand wrapped around my own, slowly stretching my fingers. I was digging them in my palm.

"Calm down," Jimin whispered, "Tell me, what happened?"

I released a breath and closed my eyes, "I don't know, I'm just confused."

His thumb slowly rubbed circles over my palm, and I could feel the spot where I dug my nails too deep. "I can understand, it'll be okay soon."

"When?" I turned towards him, the light from the movie we were both ignoring, was reflecting on his face making him look like a pretty angel.

"When," He dragged, the ends of his lips tugging to a smirk, "You tell me whether you even like me."

I scoffed, turning towards the screen again. The hall was practically empty, the rest number of people having seats closer to the screen. Fiddling with my hands, I sigh, "I do."

"I do like you, and I know it's insane that I'm even doing something like this," I said.

Jimin shrugged, "Tori, you wouldn't be here with me if you weren't insane."

I let out another scoff, before I started laughing, "That's true."

My laugh died down soon though, "But this is so wrong, do you know what Jinah said to me after I told it all to her? That I'm selfish. And she's right, I am, and I'm scared I'll hurt far more people than I originally imagined."

Jimin listened to me silently as his thumb silently fiddled with my rings. After a minute he said, "Tori, I warned you before, we can't turn this into a villain story. I trust you; you'll figure it out soon. But first, I think you need your friend to trust you too. Explain your feelings to her, Jinah will understand you. You two have each other to rely on."

I nodded, before closing my eyes and laying back. Oh, how I wish Jinah would understand me. It's not like she wouldn't, but she'd also know what would be the right thing to do, and that'll be to confess it to Jungkook. Which I'm not ready for at the moment.

"You know, the first time I met you was during my brother's graduation, you were the beautiful enigma I never came to know," There was a thin smile on Jimin's lips as he turned to me, "And look at me now, threading hands with her."

A grin came on my face, "God, you're so extra sometimes," I said as I hit his arm and he started laughing.

Our laughs died down slowly, as I laid my head on his shoulder and he brought my legs closer to his.

"I really do like you Jimin, I like the way you look at me, the way your smile stretches when you see me laugh, or the way you're oh so obsessed with my hands, I don't even know why."

"Oh, come on, I like hands, I can suck yours for free."

"The hell?" I slapped his arm again as he hysterically laughed, his head hitting the seat in front of him making him pout and squirm back to his seat. My laugh peaked into a shriek before I started choking after seeing his miserable state.

"You sure do enjoy laughing at me," He sulked as he narrowed his eyes at me, and whether it was an impulse or my instinct, I slid closer to him, grabbed his cheeks tightly and pressed my lips on his.

It was quite for a few moments, just the way our lips moved against each other. Delicate, warm, vulnerable. Jimin's hands interlocked with mine as he brought me closer to him, and my other hand slid down to his neck. It was a like a puzzle piece coming together to fit right into each other, the soft dew rainfalls sitting perfectly upon the pink petunias. It was beautiful, it was perfect.

When we parted, the air was dizzy, our breaths rapid as we stared at each other.

Another mistake, and this time, both of us were sure that we won't regret what was to come.


"You'll do great, just believe in yourself," I smiled at Su-A before hugging the sweating girl. She meekly smiled, before holding her brushes close to her, "Pray for me, yeah?"

"We will," I waved at her and Jin, showing them both a thumbs up before they disappeared inside the hall.

It was nerve-racking, I knew they won't mess up, but it also gave us no place to see how the opponent team is.

"Calm those creases in your forehead," Shinee grinned as she pushed a coffee can at me. I nodded to her, pointing at my dark circles," And for these?"

"Beg Satan to stop haunting you."

I shrugged, as I opened the can, "I don't think it's Satan I should beg."

Shinee eyed me, but before she could question Jungkook had emerged, a board and list in hand as he gathered our signatures for the participation in the drama. I grinned at the girl who was clearly bustling with curiosity.

"Gimme that," Jungkook took the can from my hand before pushing the board towards me, "Go on, sign it."

I hesitantly signed the board before I handed it back to him, and he grinned before giving me back my cup. He didn't say much to me, as he stride away with his long legs towards Hoseok and Namjoon sitting on the side benches.

I was sure he sensed something yesterday, the man didn't stop pestering me the whole journey back as he kept asking me what was so urgent that I shooed both of us out

I hoped he didn't actually know what happened.

"Hey," I turned around to see Tori greeting Shinee before coming towards me, "I've something to tell you."

I took a sharp breath as I watched Shinee excuse herself and Tori take her place.

"I know you're upset, but I really want you to understand me, Jinah," she looked tired, her eyebags matching mine perfectly. After a long time, I understood that this time we had the same thoughts.

I sighed, looking away for a moment, before coming closer to her, "We'll talk back in the hotel, there's too many people here. I'll go to your room."

I watched as a relieved smile crossed her face before she nodded, "Of course."

What I didn't notice was that somebody has already eavesdropped on our conversation

A/N: I'm so sorry for disappearing 😭 school is such a bitch

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