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'I can't change my heart, but I can make it believe that it has changed'

"I'm telling you! She's not my girlfriend!"

I turn back again, stomping ahead of the group, as they again burst into a stream of giggles.

Nari. That's what Taehyung called her, as he confusedly stared between the two of you following after Jungkook and Tori.

Tori's eyes were widened towards me, and all I could do was stutter, and stare at the woman who randomly kissed my cheek, as she handed Taehyung a notebook and went away, not forgetting to bid me a cheerful 'bye!'

And after hearing Jungkook ask Tori about my sexuality, all I could do was stand frozen, my cheeks burning red as all of them teased me.

And even after my repeated plea of, not calling a woman I didn't even know properly, my girlfriend, they continued teasing me.

Honestly, this wouldn't have bothered me since all I would've considered her after kissing me, was that she was a crazy chick or maybe she thought I was someone else.

But with the amount of "Ooh la la, Jinah's got a girlfriend~" I'm getting, I've to take this matter seriously.

I've never been teased to have been dating someone, and I also needed to approach her on kissing my cheek. You can't kiss someone's cheek so randomly!

My cheeks turned redder, and it was confusing to say that I was embarassed or angry or shy. It was all three together, I'd like to say.

Not to mention, how Jungkook questioning my sexuality also made me question my sexuality, I've got to fix this matter, or Me and Nari will be awkward with each other life long. Only me, probably.

Cracking my neck, I huff out a puff of smoke, as I breathe in and out. I didn't know why I was so worried, I just was. Talking to people gave me huge anxiety.

Sighing, I enter the dance creative room where I was notified Nari can be found.

Walking upto two girls who were gosipping, I ask them about Nari and they pointed towards a a tall girl, stretching in the middle of the hall.

Timidly walking upto her, I clear my throat, craning my neck a little to take a look at her face,"Nari?"

Upon hearing her name, Nari immediately swiveled around, her eyes widening as her gaze landed upon me.

"Oh my fuck god, Oh my hell, Oh shit shit shit! Oh my God, let me die now!"

I stood transfixed, as she jumpe up and down, as she clearly 'fangirled', gasping and chortling as she screamed, making everyone in the vicinity eye her, some leaving the hall altogether.

"C-Calm down," I raise my hands towards her, trying to get her to stop juping, but she started jumping more, before finally hugging me.

The fact that she was taller than me, made it harder for me to breathe, as my nose got blocked of any oxygen due to her 'heartwarming' hug.

I patted her shoulder, hinting her to let me go and she eventually did, a big smile on her face. I was coughing a little, as I squint my eyes at her,"Do I even know you?"

Hearing this, her smile fell, as she took a step back, a stream of awkward chuckled escaping her lips,"Haha, I guess no? B-but I assure you, I don't have any wrong means!"

Finally standing up straight, I take up her sweaty figure,"Can I take some of your time? I want to talk."

She nodde, the smile back on her face as she walked towards the changing room,"Yep. Yep. Wait a lil."

I nod back, watching her as she disappeared inside the room, before sighing.

I walked out of the hall, leaning against the wall in the lobby, as I rub my forehead. What did I  get myself into?

"Jinah?" Looking at the side, to see Nari's head popping out of the room, I wave my hand, as she walked towards me.

We walked towards the bleachers, and rub my forehead as I sit on one of the seats with Nari sitting beside me.

"Okay, so-" I start but she beat me to it.

"I'm sorry! I know it was wrong of me, I shouldn't have hugged you like that, I also shouldn't have kissed your cheek like that, b-but, it's just -" She pursed her lips, her hands waving wildly, as she tried to explain herself.

"You are my inspiration, okay?" She finally breathed out, making me raise my eyebrows at her by the statement,"I know you since the first year, and you inspired me a lot. I saw the way you debate, and I love how straight headed you are, and-and I love it! I love your personality, y-you make me do better in my own life."

I blinked at her, my brain still not functioning the amount of praises she showered over me. Inspiration? Me?

"I like you a lot, not! Not romantically! I just like the way you are, and how you don't give a shit to anyone and you just do your thing and boom! You do it perfectly! You are so perfect, you want me to be perfect too," She mumbled out the last part, her hands clasped in front of her.

Silence followed, as I slowly started getting what she said, and when I did, a chuckle left my mouth before I started laughing.

Nari stared at me, her head tilted in confusion watching me laugh, before she joined too.

"It's stupid right?" She laughed out, her hand hitting the seat, and I laugh,"Yes, but no! I'm not perfect at all!"

"I know, but that's what I see you as!"

Seconds passed, the wind turning warm, as both of us sat alone in the bleachers, before it turned silent again.

I smiled a little, it's been long since I laughed like that, and I turned to look at Nari,"Thank you, I don't know how I inspire you, but thank you. I never guessed this, the others have been teasing all along since you randomly kissed my cheek."

She blushed a little, as she hid her face,"I'm so so sorry! I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry."

Waving my hand non-chalantly, I smile,"It's okay, I'd love to be friends with you, Nari."

"W-hat," Her hands dropped down to her lap, as she gasped,"Really? I- We as friends?"

I laughed, watching her shocked face,"Of course, I'm not a God or something, I'm human and I've flaws too. And I'd love to call you a friend. Hi, I'm Min Jinah, will you be my friend?"

She smiled big, her bangs shifting a little upon her forehead,"Hi, call me Nari, and I'd love to be your friend!"

I skimmed through my texts, as I walk back to the dorms. It was a long day, and as because my project was already submitted, I won't have to worry about it.

No all-nighter today.

Smiling, as I see a heart GIF from Nari, I sent back another GIF when I heard voices.

Abruptly stopping, I squint my eyes, before moving closer to the last hallway, from where the voices were coming from. I wasn't the type to pry, but the argument seemed too big and considering the lonely hallways, it seemed everyone was asleep. Who was fighting at this time?

I could understand they were arguing, because the tones were too harsh, and by the time I approached the hallway, I figured out it was the hallway leading to Tori's room.

This was the peak of my curiosity, as I leaned towards the corner, peeking a little only to find my eyes widen as I take in the situation.

"Fuck you!" Said Kim Tori, her eyes burning in rage, and her knuckles tightened beside her, as she spat those harsh words at Jeon Jungkook in the lonely hallway, right in front of her room.

A/n: Guess ;)

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