<29>Secret bound by heart

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'These simple feelings were everything I had'

"Look who I brought!" Jimin's tone was cheerful as he led us into a dusty old theatre. The afternoon sunlight entered the damp interior through small cracks on the ceiling. The other students had gathered a mat and were laid out on the stage, bottles of drinks and chips thrown carelessly around them.

I noticed how their eyes narrowed a bit, but soon all I could see were there blinding smiles.

"Hey all!"

"It was so exciting today!"

"Ya'll were so good!!"

I wanted to sneer at them, and ya'll are so fake but I resisted. The others looked uncomfortable as well, a big wall all over us. We were alert, and rightfully so. After the bar incident they pulled a few days back showed enough of them.

"As we see so many people gathered here," One blonde guy spoke, who's name I forgot, spoke as he eyed everyone sitting in a circle,"Let's play truth or dare."

"Boo," Another girl with a deep voice spoke, her eyes rolling as she mocked,"That's what kids play!"

"Kids play the best games in case you don't know," The blondie mocked back, and Jimin patted his leg in reassurance,"Fine. Let's play never have I ever."

Their group cheered, their shouts and laughs were a sharp contrast to us sitting there and feeling out of place.

"Okay, first me to go," The deep voiced girl spoke, as she threw a grin at our direction,"I'll ask Jin."

Jin's eyebrows immediately raised up, his shoulder hitching up before he relaxed,"Oh? Oh, okay. Ask me."

"You single?"

The other teammates wooed, praising the girl's boldness,"Go Jihyo!" The blonde screamed.

Jin's smile faltered, but then he grinned,"No."

Immediately, my neck snapped at his direction. Even Namjoon was amazed, and knowing that he actually liked Jin stung. But maybe, Jin's lying to get away with it?

"Oh really?" Jihyo didn't look ready to back down her proposition,"Who is it?"

"Him," Jin's eyes went to his side and patted Namjoon's thighs and I almost wanted to choke.

"What?!"Su-A's eyes went wide, as she stared at her brother. Jin side-glanced at her and gulped, he knew he was in trouble. 

And judging Namjoon's expression, it was clear that he didn't know that they were dating too.

Jihyo's expression went dark but she threw a sweet smile at him,"Cute."

"Okay, continuing," hats off to Jimin as he tried to excuse the awkwardness that suddenly loomed over the room,"Who'll ask next?"

"Jinah," A guy with light blue hair spoke up, and I immediately perked up. The fact that he knew my name though I forgot his unnerved me.

Noticing my discomfort, he threw a small smile at me,"Byun Baekhyun, debate." I nodded , trying to smile but I guess it turned into a frown, so I kept my face neutral again.

"What colour do you like? Blue or Pink?" He asked me and I raised an eyebrow at him. That was quite a childish question.

Neverthless, I answered,"Blue."

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