Chapter 28

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Olivia really had fun with Ace and his family, added to what they had shared earlier. When she told Ace she wanted to be his girlfriend, he pulled her for another passionate kiss, ignoring the attention they were receiving from other people. Ace even lifted her off her feet and spinned her around. He was so happy. He really wanted things to work out with Olivia because she was a wonderful lady and he had genuine feelings for her.

"Hey mi'lady." She heard Ace whisper and blushed. "Want us to get outta here?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

Olivia rolled her eyes. "You're crazy, but I love the craziness." She whispered back.

"So, should we?" Ace teased her.

Olivia shook her head in denial. "Nah, it'll be suspicious. Let's wait until the Family Day is over." She reasoned out.

"Makes sense." He replied before looking at Myles who wasn't paying attention to the scrabble game on the table. "What's wrong, Myles?"

Myles shrugged. "I don't know. I think I saw someone I know." He answered.

Before Ace could reply, his mother beat him to it. "Its normal to see people you know. Its your family day after all."

Myles just shrugged again. "Its probably my mind just playing tricks with me, grandma."

"Are you sure? Was it a friend?" Olivia asked. She wanted Myles to be comfortable with her, most especially now that she was in a relationship with his father.

Myles shook his head in denial. "Not a friend. You know what, nevermind."

"If you say so bud. Who wants pizza when we go home?" Ace asked excitedly.

Maya's eyes widened. "With ice cream?"

"No ice cream, munchkin, its cold." Ace told her and chuckled when she pouted. "But you can get apple juice. Its your favorite." He told her and watched her squeal in excitement.

Olivia watched in adoration. She realized that not only did she love Ace, she loved his kids as well. They all made her feel so much peace in her heart. All of a sudden, she had a weird feeling that someone was watching her so she looked across her shoulder but everyone at the playground was focused on their kids and nothing looked out of the ordinary. It was just her imagination, seeing as she had never been to this type of gathering.

The family day went well and everyone had fun. At the end of the day, Ace drove his kids and parents back home and promised to meet Olivia at her place once he was done.


Across the street, Juliette who had been stalking Ace frowned. She thought Ace didn't want her because she left him, turns out it was because of that white lady who kissed him. Who was she? She looked so rich and influential. How did Ace get himself such a lady? Maybe that's why he didn't want her anymore, because he had seen someone better. She balled her left hand into a fist. She didn't risk her life running from Robert to come and see her replacement. And seeing her kids warm up to that white lady only made it worse. They had to love her instead of that lady. She knew she could easily win them over because she birthed them. She had to confront Ace. Or whosoever that white lady was.


"You're here." Olivia smiled as she walked over to Ace who pulled her in for a kiss.

"I told you I would come." He replied in between the kiss. "You looked so beautiful today. You always look so beautiful anyway."

Olivia blushed and pulled out from the hug. "Thank you. So, is Maya asleep?"

Ace nodded. "Yup, she was so tired, she literally passed out after my mom gave her a bath. Maya adores you, you know?"

Olivia smiled. "I adore her too, and the twins. You know, the kids are the reason why we became friends, and now, lovers." She told him as she walked over to the cellarette and took out a bottle of wine, grabbing two glasses and walking over to him. She handed him the bottle and held out the glasses for him to pour it out for them.

He did and kissed her lip before setting down the bottle and taking his own glass. He held it up. "Then cheers to the kids, for bringing us together. For making me call the most beautiful lady in the world, mine."

Olivia giggled before clinking her glass to his. "You flatter me a lot." She said and took a sip of her wine. "But really, cheers to the kids, especially Maya."

"Hold up, I have a confession. Even if Maya had said nothing to you that night, I would have. You looked so stunning and there was no way I could resist your beauty. I was so glad Maya sparked up that awkward conversation either way." He told her and both burst out laughing.

"I have a confession too. I found you hot, but irresponsible. You left the kids to go get your car with no one watching over them. I was so mad cause its dangerous out here. I had to tell my driver to hold up until you showed up." Olivia told him.

Ace chuckled. "You can't possibly be serious. Irresponsible? Mr. James was watching over them. My kids mean the world to me, I would never leave my kids unsupervised." He said as he pinched her nose playfully.

Olivia shrugged. "I didn't know, but after watching you with them, I know without a doubt that you're a great father. I really admire that." She said and kissed him.

"If you keep kissing me, we wouldn't get to know each other as we planned to do tonight. I'll be tempted to take you right here." Ace told her in a dark tone.

She looked at him through her lashes. "Then what's stopping you?"

"I know I said I don't make love and I only fuck. But I want to make love to you, because...I don't even know. But not today. Maybe some other time." He stammered.

Olivia blushed. "I'm good with anything so long as its with you."

Ace chuckled. "See who's being romantic." He teased her.

She giggled and scoffed. "Oh please, I have my moments." She said.

"Please be in the moment everyday. I love it." Ace joked and both laughed. "Thank you." He said after some time.

Olivia rested her head on his shoulder and he used his hand to pull her closer. "Thank you too, I feel so happy to have someone I could call mine too. This is surreal. It's happened so quick, I wonder if its even real." She joked. "But whatever the case, I love it."

"And I love you, Miss Harrison." He told her and placed his lip on her temple tenderly.


At the other end of town, Juliette watched Ace get into his car. She was tempted to follow him but she knew he was just going to the restaurant. Moreover, she wanted to see her kids and with him being away, this was the best chance she had, so she walked up to the door and rang the bell. Within a few seconds, the door opened and it was Ace's dad. She gulped, she never really liked George, he was very strict. "Hey pops." She greeted.

He frowned. "Its George. And what are you doing here, Juliette?" He said as he looked at her from head to toe and back, then looked behind him to be sure no one was watching.

Juliette gulped. "Please George, I just want to see my kids. Please, I just want to hug them and reintroduce myself to them. Just a few minutes, please." She pleaded.

George stepped out and closed the door behind him, he cared about his family and he had a bad feeling about Juliette. "Look here, I hate interfering in other peoples business. Ace didn't tell us you were coming. For fuck's sake, where the hell did you even come from and what do you want here?" He asked in anger.

Juliette looked down. She knew this was going to be very hard. "Please George, I realized my mistake, I want to fix things."

George rolled his eyes. "The only thing you should fix is yourself. Have you looked in the mirror?" He asked her. Although he never ever showed it, he felt pity on his son when Juliette left him. It pained him how Juliette broke his only son's heart and he was never going to let it happen again. No father wanted to see his kid in pain. "I will say this now and I won't repeat it again. You have no place here, so go back to the man you ran away with. You're no longer welcomed in our lives."

"But they are my..."

Before she could finish her statement, George walked back into the house and shut the door, making sure he locked the door. He had a very bad feeling about Juliette's return.

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