Chapter 8

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I smiled as I watched Myles and Mylo play football in the backyard while Maya was busy with her doll house. They were growing so fast and it made me proud. My kids were everything to me.

Something hard hit my knee, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked down to see the ball my boys were playing with. I looked to see them laughing at me. I picked it up and flashed a devilish smile their way. "You two wanna team up against me? You know you can never beat daddy, right?"

"Yeah right!" Mylo said sarcastically and turned to his twin. "We're gonna whoop yo' ass, dad."

Myles nodded and agreed. "Yes, dad."

I shrugged and smirked. "You asked for it," I said and kicked the ball. It went straight into the makeshift pole and Maya who was watching us from her angle stood up and clapped for me.

"Daddy is a winner, daddy is a winner." She sang happily and ran to me. I picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"Your brothers here don't know that, munchkin. One kick and I scored. They're partners and you're my partner, right?" I asked her and kissed her cheek again.

She nodded. "Yes, daddy. We're partners for life."

I put her down. "Go stand and watch daddy score more goals, munchkin," I told and she ran off. I turned back to my sons. "Still wanna try me?" They nodded, not accepting defeat which made me so happy. My boys at seven knew quitting was never an option. I thought them that and was proud they stuck to it. We kept on playing with me scoring 3 goals and them scoring 5. I wanted them to enjoy the taste of victory, so I let them beat me. They were so happy and made fun of Maya and me for being on the losing side. But Maya and I knew I just let them win so they could be happy. Maya was a total daddy's girl and understood me completely.

Later that night, I made dinner and remembered I still had to call Olivia to find out about the dentist appointment for Maya. "Maya?"

She looked up from the cartoon they were all watching. "Yes, daddy?"

"Guess what?"

Her eyes widened in excitement. "I can sleep in your bed tonight?"

I cringed. "No baby, not tonight. You even drank milk, so I'm not taking chances."

She pouted. "I promise I won't wet your bed, daddy."

I shook my head in denial. "Nope, I'm not falling for that cute face again. You make that promise every single time yet I end up with laundry the next day. So no baby. Anyways, remember Olivia?"

Her eyes widened again and she nodded. "The lady with the nice hair, right?"

I nodded causing the twins to look at me. They seemed interested in what I had to say. I looked back at Maya. "Yes, baby. Well, she's my friend now and she said she wants to be the one to book an appointment for you at the dentist's. But we still have to call her to verify."

"Really? I get to talk to her?"

I shrugged. "If you want to."

"Of course,e I want to!" She said happily.

"Okay then, I'll call and you talk, okay?"

My very bold daughter nodded. "Sure thing dad."

"Why don't we get to talk to her too?" Mylo asked.

I raised a brow at him and shrugged. "Uhh, 'cause I didn't know you were interested in talking to her?" I replied with a question.

"Well I am. She's cool and even has her driver. Plus she smells really good. My kind of girl." He said causing me to choke on my saliva.

TRAPPED WITH  HER WISH (A Christmas Romance)Where stories live. Discover now