He rubs it as Phil still let out a hiss of pain as it burned. He look up for a second before muttering an apology.

"Why do you have to rub it to harshly..? Look at it now its all red it might even bleed." He sigh as he took something out of his other pocket.

He opens it and it revealed a some kind of ointment. He puts some of it in his finger as he gently rub it in my hand.

"Am I that disgusting in your eyes? Actually scratch that... Dont worry I wont do something that makes you uncomfortable ever again." Phil could only stare, but in her mind theres thousand of questions.

'Is this really China..?'

'The China I know from the future is harsh and cold so why is he acting like this?'

'If he's the China from the future he would surely snatch my hand just to make it bleed more and not treat it like this...'

'He even handles me gently too... As if Im something fragile and precious that could break at any moment...'

'But Im not precious.'

'Im not fragile either as I can stand my own ground...'

'This feels...'


China snapped his head upwards staring into cold harsh eyes that belong to Philippines. Both their eyes wide.

China not expecting hearing something like that kinda felt like a thousand needles stab his heart but dont know why.

Philippines angry at her self for letting her thoughts come out of her mouth. She didnt endure being silence her whole life by her so called parents saying that she shouldnt voice out what she wants as she only need to survive and get what she needs.

But deep down she felt guilt... Aftetall she still has a heart. She still knows how emotions works even though she shut hers down ever since-

"Im sorry..." She mumbled quietly looking to the ground guiltily.

From someone else point of view she looks like a child after being scolded for something then apologizing after.

China only chuckled as he put his ointment back to his pocket as he cup her cheek lightly. He pinch it lightly then stretch it making Phil huff in annoyance.

She grab her arm and place it back down not wanting her cheeks to be abused again since she's pretty sure Malaysia's going to cling into her for no end once she enter the classroom.

"Well then bye Phil~ Maybe we can hang out again next time~"

And with that he walk away. Phil also didnt stay any further and turn to walk to her original destination.

Once she open the door she was imedietly tackled to the ground by none other Malaysia.

"Why did you come just now?!?! Its so boring without you!!!" He shook Phil as he whine about anything else.

Phil attemp to stop him but to no avail.

"B-bastard I just ate! You want me to vomit it out?!"

"Well maybe go say something before going out you bitch!"

"I chat the gc! Are you blind retard?!"

With that their other classmates who was watching the scene only sigh as they are used to it anyway.

I sigh not really paying any attention to the lecture as my mind wander to one thing... Or rather someone...

My face heat up just by thinking about her...

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