2: Big Ben & London bridge

Start from the beginning

John: "Nimrod... We gotta talk." He says as crossing the street.

Meanwhile in a warehouse miles away from London, a mid thirties SAS operative is going through a last minute training course of determining friendly from hostile. He side kicks a door open and tosses a nine banger into the room as the grenade goes off nine times.

Some of his colleagues are watching from the balcony, the SAS operative enters the room firing his Glock 18 in quick succession hitting multiple targets listed as hostile.

SAS Captain: "15 seconds Palmer! Double time it!" He says as Palmer quickly clears the room but he kicks a door open and sees a target and fires but soon realizes it was a civilian and hears his mates laughing. "Palmer! What the bloody hell is that?" He says as Palmer is kicking himself.

Palmer: "I ain't got an excuse sir." He replies disappointed in himself as the SAS Captain Turner lightly hits his plate carrier.

Turner: "just don't do it in the field clear?" He asks calmly as Palmer holsters his Glock 18.

Palmer: "crystal." He says walking with Turner as they arrive at a table with a map of their operation area.

Turner: "alright team, tonight we got Intel from MI-5 suggesting some lousy blokes are planning on bombing London bridge... Our job is to prevent that, we got some descriptions... Caucasian mid to late thirties." As Palmer looks through the description and takes a mental note of it.

Palmer: "we killing or capping these sorry bastards?" He asks as Turner chuckles somewhat.

Turner: "preferably capture Palmer, pack light, we are dressing casually to blend in." He says as they all nod in agreement.

Palmer: "I don't like this LT, targeting a bridge seems... Off to me."

Turner: "how do you mean lad?" He asks putting in a plate carrier vest and adjusts it as Palmer is loading magazines for his Glock 18.

Palmer: "okay say you were a upstart terrorist wanting to do something big, get people scared, demoralize them... Where would you bomb?" He asks honestly as Turner thinks about this.

Turner: "where you going with this Daniel?" He asks just wanting him to get to it.

Palmer: "why attack London bridge? Sure it's iconic but nothing like big ben or parliament." He says as Turner sees his point but thinks of a worse possibility.

Turner: "why hit just one?" As Palmer chuckles quietly hearing this.

Palmer: "a scary thought LT, don't ever become a terrorist please."

Turner: "you do realize I have kid right?" He retorts as Palmer packs one of his Glock magazines.

Palmer: "oh yeah, you've yet to tell me who your baby mama is." He says as Turner scoffs lightly hearing this.

Turner: "and I'm never going to, you little shite... Try getting a baby mama yourself and see how willing you are to tell people." He says as Palmer puts his hands up.

Palmer: "alright alright Christ mate... How is the lad anyway?" He asks curiously as they head outside with Turner putting on a jacket.

Turner: "good, he's just spending the day with his mother." He says zipping up his jacket.

Palmer: "that's good." He says as he stretches out and grunts out. "god... Remind me to never stretch while wearing a plate carrier."

Turner: "103." He says casually getting Palmer's attention. "Oh I'm just keeping count of the shite you want me to remind you."

Palmer: "103? I've really said done it that many times?" He asks as Turner nods with Palmer humming hearing this.

Turner: "come on let's get going." He says as they get in a car.

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