Train Station

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By the time I reached the train station, she was gone. I had ran as fast as my legs could while wearing rarely touched high heels. I had become a detective to follow a childhood dream that was inspired by tv shows. I had made friends at my work, and a few outside of it. One of those friends was a woman by the name of Kat. She was quite possibly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen; tan skin with curly black hair who's ends were a vivid green that matched the emerald of her eyes. Kat and I met in a bar on the more run down side of town which I called home; apparently, so did she. It had been a long day at work which led me to a wobbly bar stool and my second scotch of the night when she walked into my life. Smooth Spanish accent and an air of confidence and mystery had peeked my interest. What had ruined my day at work had been coming to a dead end on yet another lead in the serial killer case I was working.

All we knew about the killer was that it was a tall woman, who only ever spoke Spanish to her victims before nearly biting their throat out. Maybe if I hadn't been buzzed, I wouldn't have been so open and eager to go home with her. That was four months ago. Four months we had known each other, three since we started dating. Kat understood the pressure of my work and never got upset about the time I spent away sometimes, she was a constant by my side that seemed to pay close attention to the news regarding my case. She'd even helped me find a previously missed piece of evidence that helped me barrel through the case to catch the killer. The only problem was that I never expected the killer to be warming the side of my bed.

I ran as fast as I could after Kat, who had rushed out of our dinner date in a new restaurant up town after boldly confessing to me that she'd been the one I was chasing. That she had been looking into me as I had been unknowingly looking into her. When she found me at the bar, her intention was to make me another one of her victims; she never meant to develop a liking to me that soon grew past the point of friendship. By the time I reached the train station, out of breath and fueled by adrenaline, she was gone. Well, she was departing. Kat was on a step into the train as it pulled away, hanging onto it with an arm while using the other to wave goodbye to me. I was angry that I'd been fooled, but devastated by the fact that the woman I was falling in love with had been the suspect I had been looking for all along. As she faded from view with the racing train, I begrudgingly stuffed a hand into the pocket of my dress pants intent on calling my boss to fill him in. Along with my phone and wallet, I found a neatly folded piece of paper that seemed to be sprayed with Kat's favorite perfume. My heart nearly stopped when I read it.

"I'll be back for you, my love. We're not over, and I'm certainly not done with you. See you soon." -K

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