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Cards, Grilled Fishes and Ale Talks.
"I need another ale."

The sky is a perfect hue of ash with sun glaring down at them. Plantyle falls, decorating the dock and making everything look dirty, including the camo coat Rocks had put on. They were finally on one of HC's ships. She leaned on the railing, staring down into the fathomless water, watching as fishes would escape to the surface for a breather, parting their lips and taking as much air as they could.

The other members of the crew were also around. HC sent only two scientists, a sailor and his sailing crew of five, then the security: Barn and Shayne— Rocks former voyaging buddies, Femolx and Rocks herself, making them a total of twelve.

They'd been sailing for a day now.

Yesterday, they snacked on grilled fishes. Today, she'd have to wait till the evening to find out.

She walked back to her room. There was no one outside anyway. It was just the sailor and his crew. Her room was opposite Femolx's and he seemed to think that their friendship was okay.

She remembered yesterday, when he'd brought macabeth for them to play, she alway won it.

It was no surprise when she walked into her room and found him there.

"I'm starting to think this is your room."

"A friend's room is yours. I brought macabeth." He was laying on her bed, pretty much comfortable considering the murderous thoughts running in Rocks' head.

She flopped on a chair beside the window. "You can leave my bed unless you'd be gummed there forever."

"I wouldn't object," he said and sat, legs dangling over the edge of the bed. The nerve of him to still have on his boot while on her bed.

He walked towards the other seat and slumped on it. The feet of the chair squeaked as he dragged it across the floor, so her had a nice side view of the sea through the window and a front view of Rocks.

He pointed at the cards on the desk. "Should I?"

"Of course." She smiled. "I wouldn't want you to say I cheated again."

He shared the cards so each had five pieces. Then one was between them and the remaining pile in the center of the desk.

"You'll go first."

She played an eight stability and he followed with an eight and a ten stability. Knowing that nature was the most scarce of all the cards and she had a four, she played it and he picked among the downturned pile in the middle of the desk.

"Take that fucker!"

"You managed to get that one."

She noticed that she didn't have another to support so she played the blind she had. "I need a United."

"Lucky me." He picked one from the pile, not having her request and she smiled genuinely at him. Forget faking it. Macabeth really got the best emotions from her.

It's safe to say that she won again— four more rounds to be precise, until Femolx decided he was tired and needed to stretch his limbs.


It was the night of the sixth day when all the fun happened. The sailor, a dark skinned man with military buzz cut wore his deep blue uniform, rank on his shoulders.

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