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Children Before Old People
"...I only wish I'll live to see when old people's lives start to matter but I know it's a dream."

It's nighttime, a bit past dusk; the time scheduled for the intra-national train to stop at the station in the island. Bob should have been back by now, she's worried. Rocks looked at the sky, plantyle stuck to her nose. A rainy day in the middle of the year is as normal as the sun not emitting plantyle. But it's happening anyway, a mess to the natural order they've grown accustomed to ...and the latter is an understatement where these two beasts are concerned.

They fought like age-long rivals. It couldn't be. There's a lot of historical records since a millennium and none stated the existence of any island-destroying beasts. Where had they stemmed from? She could swear that before now, she's never seen anything like them neither in the museum nor in her mind, which is a big deal since her mind can be pretty overactive.

The duel between the beasts was pretty much rough, bloody. The serpent was agile. On occasions, she used her palms to block her ears when it hissed. Turtle wasn't lost in the game. He climbed the slippery skin of agile like he was born to, stepping on agile's open mouth as he let out a blood-curling roar and fell into the water.

Agile snapped its canines at turtle. It wringer it's powerful body round turtle's leg as turtle tried to free itself, couldn't and then curled into its shell.

The next set of battles were underwater. While she couldn't see it, she could hear the rippling sounds of the water and occasion hints of the serpents tail.

Suddenly, the sound of motor filled the large space of he port. In the darkness of he night we saw a small shape expanding across the sea.

An hopeful voice asked the question no one dared. "Is — Is that the Shepler?" It was a lady.

A manly voice answered this time. "Yes it is."

The lady's voice was bold this time. "Are they here to rescue us?"

"Of course lady."

Everyone let out relieves sighs and prayers. Shuffling was heard as people struggled to cling to their loved ones. No one wants to be left behind. Some were already fighting for space, rushing out first.

The dock attendant had to calm them and make everyone reason. He was on a podium of some sort and used a static-microphone. "Please citizens, we wouldn't want to alert the beasts of the arriving vessels. Hold your loved ones close. There's enough room for everyone. Miss that's ramming her elbow into the watchman, resist doing that immediately or the space you're trying to secure will vanish!

Everyone was silent. Breaths were held in anticipation. Rocks immediately climbed down the sturdy structure, pushing past bodies as she headed to the cranes, where Dan was. Sweat pooled at her forehead as she imagined not seeing him. When she finally did see him, secured and where she left him, she noticed he was talking to a boy.

The moonlight shaped him well. She hugged him and sat with him on her lap. "I see you've made friends."

Danny hand went halfway around her. "His name's Lars."

"Well, go meet your parents Lars."

Both boys were silent. She rubbed the rashes on Dan's exposed skin. "He can't find them."

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