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I'm sure you're all aware this is an ONC book. The prompts chosen are:

(81) In 2050, our reptilian overlords finally reveal themselves to us. As one might imagine, that messes with what we perceive as 'the natural order' in many ways.  {*}
(2) that moment you realize you just saw something that could cost you your life. Now all you can do is try to outrun them.

{*} the time frame in this prompt was modified to 4022 to fit the plot better:-

On A Par With Grief.
Reality restrains me, life's not fair— Rocks.

Her eyes were like saucers, taking everything in. Time seemed to pause like the witch it was. She saw it all, the shiny train skidded off the track. With mouth still agape she  barely registered the hands grabbing her. It was the coat guys, there were restraining her, not wanting her to jump overboard in a futile attempt to save spilt milk.

He doesn't get to die, life's not fair.

It was just earlier in the day when they were talking and she'd refused him on sex again. Now, reality restrains her. Anything she'd give him, anything for him not to die.

"You promised you'll come back Bob." They were still holding her. She fought them off. "Leave me!" Of course, she wasn't in her right mind. The old woman from earlier was trying to calm her down. Others were more interested in the two beasts in the sea fighting than they were her. The train was in the sea for all they care! Are they just gonna watch Bob die like that!

The beasts exchanged deadly blows. Although it looked like the same cycle of hide, dodge and hit, she could see that the snake was really winning with his zapping tail. What do they really want?

As much as she wanted to shout and throw a fit, she couldn't do anything. She cried a dry cry cause she didn't have tears to waste, water was a scarce commodity these days. Her goggles had left her face a long time ago. The oxygen mask they'd given her newly was strapped to her back, the pipes led to a needle that connected to her lungs. Although she's been wearing since she was born, it never felt so suffocating.

She let them drag her to the residence area which was big for a cargo ship. Past the monochromatic metal walls and hallways, they open another metallic door by the right and shoved her in.

The room was boring and almost bare, with a really high glass window she wasn't sure was fixed. Maybe she could jump through it and meet the waters. If she could do it in time, she may be lucky to see Bob afloat.

They sat her down on a sturdy chair and tied her up as she struggled. "Why are you guys doing this? You shouldn't care if I killed myself."

The shorter one of the two with an overgrown hair knelt before her. "Sorry doll but we do." He stood and dusted his coat. "You killing yourself would mean us killing the children and I really hate getting dirty." He has a smirk on. "Besides, someone big requested you be kept alive."


They brought her dinner made up of undercooked bean and some wild vegetables. It's the only thing that seems to keep them alive nowadays, she didn't complain about the food. Besides, her appetite hardly stayed for a minute.

After eating a few spoons, she dropped the food on the floor after which they'd come to carry it, not speaking a word to her.

Their words rang in her head but the loss she'd acquired yesterday was more for her to think off.

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