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"It's subsiding. I'm managing."

Rocks stared out through the window. She couldn't sleep. Her thoughts were messed up and jumbled, lots of unanswered why's.

She saw the effects of the rain. The floor outside was darker despite the lamp shining on it and the window was clean, the dorm room, cool.

She heard a knock on the door. She already had a nice idea who it'd be but since she was the only one awake, she had to open the door. Her room mates were laying peacefully, too tired from the day activities to stay awake.

Outside was Femolx. He was dressed in his usual, black boots, camo pants and black sweater. On it was his black coat and a scarf round his neck.

He smiled when he saw her. "Hey?"

She nodded and forced the words out. "Hey."

Any other day, she would have returned the smile, but that's one thing she can't force. Her kin in the island never fail to remind her. Even though she managed to force it, a stranger from across the ocean would tell that it was face. He'd call bullshit.

His smile died a bit, his face serious.

"I thought you'd want to learn how a gun works, and maybe I can teach you how to patrol?"

There was no way she could get out of that. "Okay," she said. "Let me get my coat."

He waited outside and watched as she slipped on her coat. She hung her googles round her neck. Her hair was already in a ponytail.

"You're done packing?"

"Yeah," she said and winced. So much for acting normal but at that point, she couldn't bring herself to care again. Conversation between them never felt forced until now.

He didn't hold her hand as they walked down the corridor, but she imagined how courageous he must be to still seek her after he'd gotten what he wanted.

They were outside when he randomly spoke up. "So, how are you doing? How's the pains?"

"It subsiding. I'm managing."

"I've got meds if you want."

She felt like stabbing him. Act normal, she told herself.  "Okay. I think that would be better."

He smiled. If what she was thinking was right, he believed that she trusted him again, meanwhile, she'll just throw the drugs. What's the use of rejecting it.

Inar watched from a distance as the lovebirds walked to the range, which was the top of one of the blocks.

He noticed how off Rocks seemed. And as they walked up the stairs, he suspected that they'd do another one of those couples' thing.

Score one for Femolx if he hurts Rocks. After all, Femolx won't hesitate to pull the trigger. He never did before. What'll stop him now.

Taking another joint from his pocket, Inar put it in his mouth and lit it up. He'd deal with his family's finance later, now, he feels like getting high.

But he wasn't high enough to ignore them both patrolling the premises. Thank the lord they had a sniper on clock!


Femolx drove them away from the base. Since they were only two, Rocks had to sit by the passenger seat beside him as she put so much effort in hiding her tears.

Damn thing wouldn't stop rushing. It flowed like a dam.

She embraced the liquid rolling down her cheeks, she loved its salty taste. She spent most of the journey, looking outside.

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