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The Rise Of The Overlords
"My advice to everyone... run!"

Rocks stayed still in the crowd, watching as the sea rocked the ship from left to right. She didn't understand if they were waiting for a coat guy to emerge from the ship and apologize for another one of their stupid exhibits, they're smart enough to know it wouldn't happen.

About half an hour passed with them standing, overlooking the rusty railway tracks that trailed further to the left and across the river. There was still no sign of anyone exiting the ship and she knew that no sane human among the islanders would endure any mild discomfort for the guys they never liked.

The water started shaking. The ship rocked violently. A sizzling sound filled the air as it capsized and drowned, the smoke it emitted disintegrated into thin air. Even though it's made of treated plantyle, a metal couldn't survive the harshness of this wave. But it ain't no wave, nothing dashed towards them. The water wasn't moving in that turn-around way waves did.

It almost appeared stagnant.

They heard a sudden rippling sound and the spreading of the water from what appeared to be a circle in the middle of the sea.

If she thought the coat guys were crazy before, it was an understatement. How many exhibits are they really going to throw around? And what exactly was going on?

Rocks observed the canopy rising in the middle of the sea, then the drip, drip sound of water as it fell in big fat drops from the top of the canopy, like a water-fall. Although the canopy was below her, it covered a wide expanse so large it looked like another rising island with an intricate pattern of a lined ancient dune.

Were they having a party in the sea? Maybe Mariam decided to celebrate the birth of her child, how special it was. But why waste resources unless the child's like Rocks, different from birth with a sparkly, rash-free skin.

It's no secret how Rocks grew up. Noelle claims to have found her floating in a box by the shore. As one who couldn't give her husband a child before he died, the woman adopted her and trained her. Unlike children her age, Rocks got her her first rash at age five. She remembered how it had looked, an irritating ball filled with fluid that itched whenever she was out. Then she had the other two when she turned fifteen, they weren't any better.

As much as it'd been fun standing and watching, Rocks didn't want to attend the party. She doesn't want to welcome a child who'd start regretting being born when she's of age.

Her turn was fluid as she started trudging to the house, already dreading the distance she'd have to walk and the little food it'll make up for.

She stopped when she heard a gasp. No it wasn't a gasp, it was loud gasps and shaking voices.

"What the hell is that!" A voice shouted.

She turned to look at what got the attention and then, she saw it. All voices were muffled, but the commotion wasn't.

The canopy had risen higher, so that the bottom of its top legs and it's behind faced the shore. It sniffed the air, then a sizzling sound was heard as it turned to study its live-meal who were staring at it.

When she met its black gaze, her first instinct was to run but she didn't. Curiosity took over all rationality. She found herself walking towards it, eager to touch those bumps that littered its scaly leg. She's the only one who dared to think of that, for most had scurried backwards, and were thinking of the fastest escape routes.

Barbara didn't waste time thinking. She turned and ran in the direction of the hamlet. Her cried rang out. "My son! Danny. Ew!"

No one registered how it happened. Rocks saw the beasts fore- paws stretch forward. It grabbed Barbara despite the distance, and flung her behind it. People only got to hear her startled cry and the dip of the water behind it.

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