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The Chemistry
"-he's... dangerous."

The sky was fully dark, the only bits of light from car headlamps, and streetlights which stood tall and proudly on metal poles. Rocks met the curious— if not fearful— gaze of the gate keeper who acted rather comic while he pressed the button.

She saw one of the soldiers by her left turn to him with a thoughtful gaze and the gateman appeared stunned, his body went taut. The soldier shook his head and waited as the gates pulled open and shut seconds after they were all out. What was that about?

Rocks saw the cars whizzing past in one way. Black dusts from their exhaust curling into the night air. Then her eyes caught the wonderful citizens walking by the sidewalk, made of a checkered metallic brick. They looked so happy and carefree in their coats and heavy boots, unlike people she'd seen earlier... on the television.

Of course she wasn't in Greyland but she had this fear at the back of her mind, the anticipation of what'll happen if the beasts were to be here in New heaven. She'll probably be dead but...

Will she be sent to fight it since the military wants to recruit her? What if she doesn't want to harm the beasts, especially turtle, with its moist, steamy nose and black- beaded eyes? No, she won't. There maybe another way.

Then, a thought crossed her mind. It was dangerous and involved the narrow hallway across the road, currently blocked from view by bodies— angry, robotic bodies.

Harbor street has a record, well known, especially as it had once been named 'the road of the fittest'. There's no night the street's walkway isn't bustling with life. A victim of the elbowing and toe-trashing, if he hadn't gotten a good idea of the code of conduct, he would learn from the angry drivers horning repeatedly as they find themselves continuously walking off the sidewalks... let's not even talk about facial expressions.

From Rocks view, she could see a woman with cropped hair, a big knitted hat in hand, furry coat and heeled boots, walking down the streets. After Rock witnessed the two elbows the woman received, she now noticed how the woman seemed to be pushing her way through the crowd with a scowl on her face, doing the good deed with her arms and enforcing the code of conduct in a way no other New Heavener could. Damn. Rocks chuckled inwardly. It takes experience to enforce laws; just as she'll need to be experienced to successfully escape.

Her knees buckled forward and feet straightened to her thought on implementing her escape plan and then, she felt the hand on her arm tighten.

She inhaled and looked sideways at his helmet, ready to defend herself. "I was not- "


"You are- "

His hand tightened again, he was hurting her. "Silence."

She obeyed.

They stood in front of the gates to Mantlemoth's. A truck pulled up before them. Goon one released his grip, a bit. Wise passers by avoided them, maybe cause of their threatening demeanor, so the truck— she noticed, occupied half of New Haven's sidewalk. It's engine offed with a roar then a rattle as leader walked forward to the passengers seat, tapped on the side glass, and it rolled down smoothly to reveal a man with dark shades on.

"You are late." Leader voiced his irritation. A cool glance at his watch and he faced the smirking driver again before opening the door with a huff. The last thing seen was leader's boot just as Rocks was lead to the back of truck which was dark.

The seat was hard. She winced when her butt landed on it.
The two guys seated beside her didn't pay her any mind and she knew, just from the silence and the partition shielding them from the driver's side that it'd be a long ride.

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