Chapter 24 - Snow haired girl

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"Please, take a seat." the detective spoke.

He pulled out a couple of photographs along with tons of paperwork, getting ready to question the students one by one.

"What class are you in?"

"Class 1-A's Hero course."

"Class 1-B, Hero course."

"Give me a recap of the camp, from when you first arrived." he had out his notebook and twirled the pen around his fingers.

"Well, we arrived by bus and pro hero pixie bob used her quirk to create this earthquake." Uraraka explained.

"The whole class fell down by the forest and then we fought against these earth monsters to get to camp." Aoyama told the detective.

"And did you notice anything unusual with your classmate? Anything seeming a little off to you?"

"No. She almost paved the way for the rest of us, taking the monsters down with flawless execution as always." Momo said.

"Mhm." he wrote it down.

"What went on when you arrived at camp?"

"Well, we ate dinner together with class B. And then we went to the hot tubs to relax." Kirishima spoke.

"Okay, and did she talk about her being in danger at all?"

"No, everything was fine *ribbit*."

"Okay, so everything was alright up until the night where it all happened?"

"Correct." Iida answered.

"I see, so what did happen that night? And please, spare no details."

"Zella and I were supposed to go in together. But that's when we saw this cloud of smoke from somewhere in the forest." Izuku said.

"We didn't understand what it was, until two villains attacked us." Iida continued.

"Midoriya went ahead to get my niece to safety, he knew where he was. Mikio was told to run back to camp. This was before we knew they were after her."

"Man, she had some fire in her. One of the villains attacked me, but in an instant she ran up to her and knocked her out with an enlarged fist. After that she ran into the forest, on her way to camp." Tiger told the detective.

"The students who'd failed and were doing extra lessons, including me, were in a building with class B's mentor. We were ready to fight when we heard someone bust in through the door." Sero said.

"But then we realised it was Zella. And before she could explain herself, Mandalay made the announcement that the villains were after her and Bakugo." Mina explained.

"She walked inside, and the next thing I remember was a villain attacking our teacher." Kaminari said.

"I held him up by the throat, ready to knock him unconscious. But that's when he turned into goo." Vlad spoke.

"I believe you are close to Bakugo and Mikio is your cousin?" Monoma nodded.

"Anything we should know about her? Anything will help."

"That she's very smart. When that villain turned into goo, the real one appeared. He shot fire at us, and without a second thought Zella created an ice wall in front of us to protect us." Neito gripped the chair harder.

"Even when she was just as confused as us, if not more, she kept a levelled head. The league of villains are a dangerous group if they managed to trick my cousin."

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