Chapter 1 - Dear diary

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A/N - Before starting I just wanted to say sorry if the relationships/ bonds feel too rushed but for the sake of the story it needs to be like this😭 I hope you enjoy though <3

Here's a quick guide if you don't feel like reading all 25 chapters with the details of what U.A was like for her. These are the ones I recommend reading after this first chapter!

Chapter 5 - Origin
Chapter 18 - Zella & Katsuki moment
Chapter 20 - Zella & Shoto moment
Chapter 23 - Recap
Chapter 24-25 - Ending

Happy reading <3

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Kai's POV

It's been 6 months.

And it certainly doesn't get easier by the day. I still remember the day mom came into my room and told me we needed to talk. Tears in her eyes as she told me. Her eyes are still filled with tears today.

I usually played video games or talked to my closest friends to distract myself from it. But tonight I went to her room and just sat on her bed. I looked around, post-it notes reminding her to study, dusty computer on her desk, pictures on the walls of her, Izuku, Katsuki and Hitoshi as kids. The one hanging over her bed with Neito and her, looking almost identical.

Then this picture taken just a few months ago...

It's us holding each other with tears of joy running down our cheeks, happy that she got accepted into U.A and even ranked first in the entrance exams.

I walked over to her desk and sat down. Blowing on the computer, the dust flew off and landed on this notebook in the corner. I grabbed it and opened it up.

Today I took the entrance exams! Super nerve-racking, but I think I did good. I mean, I chose to do the entrance exams like everyone else. If I can't get in this way then I don't really deserve to be at U.A. Luckily, Kacchan, Hitoshi and I took the exam at the same time. I even managed to save Hitoshi from being squashed by this giant falling robot.

It must've been her diary. I smiled to myself, picturing her talking about this just like she did the day it happened. I turned over a few pages and stopped at the one named "Sports festival".

Today's been crazy. Especially my last fights, everyone was so damn strong. Fighting Katsuki must've been the hardest one though, and of course I lost that one. I used too many quirks at the same time and passed out. Oh well, it is what it is. But when I got my medal All Might whispered "your dad would've been proud." and I wanted to cry. But you know, cameras.

I turned over a few more pages and stopped again.

Today we picked out Hero names. It was kinda tough but I've honestly been thinking about it for the longest time. It's basic but, Copyzuma is kinda catchy, no? I wanted Kai to take over the name Inazuma from dad. He never got to have him as a dad but grew very fond of him by watching videos and pictures. So, I combined both of my powers and turned it into my hero name! Everyone's gonna know that name soon enough :)

That's right. She would've been the most excellent hero, surpassing even our dad who was one of the best. Now All Might's retired and Endevour is number 1, nothing's gonna be the same until her classmates graduate. I've seen them on TV, they're gonna be great. And then when I get accepted into U.A, I'm gonna be even better. And I'll take the name Inazuma just like she wanted to, and do everything for her.

I read through her diary a little more, finding stuff out about her that I didn't even know. Like-

Mom and Mitsuki would freak out if they knew that there's been some tension between Katsuki and I lately. I don't want to say that I like him but... maybe I do? But then there's Todoroki too... ugh I don't know!


Today I managed to use 4 (!) quirks at the same time without feeling too drained. I'm super excited to see where this goes. Also, I need to modify my hero costume for the fall and winter, no harm in preparing for the future. I'm thinking...

It's like everything she said out loud went into that paper. I can hear her voice while reading this, thinking about how excited she must've been to draw and work on her hero costume.

And then I found myself reading her stories the rest of the night...

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