Chapter 10 - English class

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"HA! Five rounds and you still can't beat me." I said as I had my foot against his chest. He groaned and stopped trying, just laying down on the floor like it's normal.

"I underestimated you, Mikio. You've gotta tell me your secret!" I helped him up.

"Technique over strength. Of course, it's important to be strong too. But I focus on technical skills and mind instead, which fucks with the other persons abilities. No matter how strong they are."

"Dang, I didn't think you'd tell me."

I giggled and took a sip of my water.

"I like you, Kirishima. Something tells me you won't go around telling any of my secrets." I winked and went back to the locker rooms to change for class.

- - -

The two of us walked over to the main school building together.

"Kirishima! Where the hell have you been, loca?" I burst out laughing, Sero was one of the funniest guys I've ever met.

"I told you I'd be at the gym every morning." Kirishima answered while bro-greeting his friends.

"A...lone?" the blonde guy asked then looked at me.

"Of course! I've just been carrying this gym bag around for fun." I answered instead, sarcastically.

"N-no I'm sorry, I just thought that you didn't look like you've just been training. Usually, a person looks like a mess even after showering, but you're... pretty." he blushed, hard.

Wait that's kinda sweet.

"Oh, well... thank you?" I smiled, Sero and Kirishima whispering something to each other.

"Where are my manners, I haven't properly introduced myself. Denki Kaminari, a pleasure to meet such a beautiful and strong lady." he held his hand out. I was gonna shake it, but he gently held my hand and kissed it.


"I'm Zella Mikio, pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"It's a cool thing you did yesterday, using mine and someone else's quirk like that." he smiled.

"Thank you. You know, we can train together with that quirk of yours if you'd like. It's kinda hard to control it."

"Really? I'd be happy to!"

Before any of us could say anything else, I felt someone smack the back of my head. I turned around to see Katsuki running away from me.


"Class is about to start, Zella." Tsu said and wrapped her tongue around me to keep my arms in place. She carried me to class while Mina followed close behind. I pouted the whole way there.

Katsuki just smirked when he saw us enter the classroom then turned back to the front when Aizawa entered, all bandaged up. He went to stand behind his desk and inhaled before speaking.

What is he even doing here? He should be resting.

"As you may know, the sports festival is coming up. I expect you all to train hard, but in case you don't, I want you all to have a gym group. 21 students which means 7 groups of 3. After the festival you will evaluate your training based on your partners notes about you."

"Do we get to choose our partners?" Mina asked.

"No, they're already assigned." he turned the projector on and showed a list of all trios.

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