Chapter 1

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Danielle POV

"I don't know how much more I can take this, she's SO DAMN HOT!" I said as I slumped down onto my sofa in my trailer. "URGH, can someone please give me some advice?"

"I say just go and tell her you've been crushing on her since like the first table read" Barrett said casually. If only looks could kill, she would be dead right now. "What? That's what I would do."

"Ok so maybe," Jaina chimed in, "just... ok I have nothing."

"Oh come on! I thought you two would be able to help me out because you know, you're my BEST FRIENDS!" I feel so many emotions right now I don't know where to start. I hid my face behind my eyes and leant my elbows onto my knees making my hair fall in front of my face. My heart started racing as I thought back to the scene we just had. It was the last scene for season 3 where Maya begs for Carina's forgiveness and kiss. If only that scene was me kissing Stefania.

I feel the sofa dip either side of me as Barrett and Jaina sit down putting an arm each around me. I finally let myself cry. "I don't even know why I'm crying like this."

"Because you hate that this fiction can't become your reality." Jaina said softly as she brushed my hair away from my face.

"D, I know you don't want to hear this but I think you need time away to really assess this situation and see if it's what you really want," Barretts soft voice helped calm me a bit, "then afterwards if you still feel the same then talk to her. Let her know how you feel."

"Yeah, I mean what's the worst that can happen?" Jaina said as I finally sat back as looked at them.

"She could hate me. She could never want to see me again. It could ruin the amazing friendship we have-"

"She could also feel the same." Jaine interrupted me before I could finish.

"Are you kidding right now? Have you seen her? She's an Italian Goddess and I'm just me." I stand up and started pacing the trailer.

"D, have you seen you? You're the definition of beauty!" Barrett said as she stood up trying to stop me from going into panic mode. "You're gorgeous. You've got golden blonde hair. Piercing blue eyes. A body I wish I had." She raised her eyebrows and made me chuckle a little bit.

Jaina stood up next to myself and Barrett and took ahold of my hand "Danielle, we have the wrap party tonight. It's Stefanias first one with Station 19, so I say make yourself look irresistible and show her what she's missing out on. Plus it's Black Tie themed so you can glam up. Then go on holiday. Go see your family. Take your mind off this situation."

"SEE this is why I love you guys." I pulled them both into a hug and wiped the tears from my face, "can neither of you tell anyone about this? I don't want anyone finding out and it getting back to Stefania."

"It stays in this trailer." They both said in unison.

Stefania POV

"Jay, c'erano fuochi d'artificio. Non l'ho mai avuto con nessuno prima. Come boom. Mi sta facendo sembrare pazzo, no?" (There were fireworks. I've never had that with anyone before. Like boom. It's making me sound crazy, no?) I say erratically as I look over at Jay who's watching me pace around my trailer expressing myself with my hands like all Italians do.

"Stefania, gorgeous lady, I love you but I think you forget that I don't speak Italian."

"Fireworks Jay. In my stomach. In my head" I put my head in my hands and slowly sit down next to Jay on the sofa. "Stupido."

"How do you know she doesn't feel the same?" and with that I sit upright and glare at him.

"You better not have said anything Jay."

"No, I haven't said a word to anyone and I won't say anything to anyone. I promised that the minute you told me you had a crush a few months back." Jay put his arm around me and pulled me into a side hug. "Now go get glammed up for your first Station 19 wrap party. Put on the sexiest dress you have and show Danielle what she's missing."

"Thank you, Jay." I smiled slightly as I wiped away the tears from my cheek. "Can you help me find something to wear?"

"Of course I can."

With that, we walked out of my trailer and got into my car. I only live 10 minutes away from set. As we entered my house Jay got jumped on by Jeff. "Hey Jeff, how are you?"

"Jay, you do realize that she is a dog and cannot reply" I said chuckling a bit.

We walked into my bedroom and pulled out every dress and suit I have. Jay looked over them and put a few against me. The ones he didn't like, he put straight back into my wardrobe. We were eventually left with one suit and one dress. As we stood there staring at them both I felt butterflies in my stomach again just thinking about seeing Danielle again.

"Ok, I think I know which one you should wear." Jay picked it up and put it against me, "Yes, defiantly this one. She won't be able to take her eyes off of you."

"Shall I try it on and see?" I asked. With a nod from Jay, he walked out of my room so I could get changed. A short time later I walked into the front room where Jay was sat on my sofa.

He turned around "well my work here is done." 

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