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Despite the strong October wind making it difficult to sail across the sea between Jeju and the mainland, yet Jungwon had insisted to do it immediately, not even thinking about the possibilities of the boat capsizing.

As lucky as they were the three castle men now sat in the car, impatiently awaiting the familiar town they lived in, to come in to view.

"She'll be fine your Majesty," Sunghoon commented after Jungwon had begun bouncing his leg up once again, a thing the two others had asked him to stop doing, multiple times.

"How can you know?" Jungwon murmured as he eagerly looked out the window, biting down on his thumbnail every once in a while, "she could be on her deathbed."

"The girl is 19, she's not gonna die," Sunghoon sternly spoke, "as much as she is your wife she is my cousin, and I know damn well she's not dying so easily."

"Matter of fact is that she's not gonna die," Sunoo interrupted, letting his frustration with the two boys shine through his voice.

The two others immediately shut up before Jungwon turned back to look out his window once again, meanwhile Sunghoon's face went blank and he just stared straight ahead.

The car was awfully and awkwardly quiet until it pulled into the frontspace of the castle. Disregarding his baggage, Jungwon rushed up the stairs and marched straight into the castle, stopping a few workers in their spot at his sudden entrance.

"Where is she?" Jungwon immediately snapped his head to the nearest worker, who had to take a moment to process what they had been asked, seemingly taken back by the behavior of the King, who normally was calm and collected.

"The bedroom your majesty," the worker replied.

Jungwon set his sprint for the nearby staircase as both Sunghoon and Sunoo quietly entered the castle, watching their King leap up two steps on the stairs at a time before disappearing down a hallway.

As Jungwon rushed into his bedroom he was met by the sight of Jiyeon's back, while doctor Lee sat and held a stethoscope up onto it, carefully listening. The silence in the room was broken by Jungwon bursting through the door, which made Jiyeon look over her shoulder.

Her eyes were barely open, yet they still widened slightly by the sight of Jungwon. Meanhile Doctor Lee just sat with a small smile on his face as he packed his stethoscope down into his bag, patting Jiyeon's back softly as he helped her move back around to face Jungwon instead.

"I'll try and find something to clear your throat, before the day is over," Heeseung softly assured, only earning a small nod from Jiyeon, "remember to still get your rest."

Jungwon watched in confusion as doctor Lee passed by him, grabbing his arm to pull him out onto the hallway.

"Look out for her, okay?" Heeseung quietly whispered, "I can't figure out what's wrong with her yet, but her condition's been decreasing by each day."

"As long as she lives. If she lives, then I'm happy," Jungwon breathed out and Heeseung quietly nodded before letting go of Jungwon's arm.

Once again Jungwon rushed into the bedroom, seeing Jiyeon already laying down in the bed, her eyes closed tightly.

"You're not supposed to be home for another few weeks," Jiyeon remarked as Jungwon quietly closed the door behind him, hesitantly nearing the bed.

"Pianist Kim travelled down and informed me you had been getting sick," Jungwon softly spoke as he pulled his desk chair over to the bed, sitting down to softly stroke her hair, "I didn't know it was this bad."

"Just a small flu," Jiyeon shook her head as an excuse, a small smile spreading on her lips, "I'll be fine before you know it."

"I'd much rather have you be fine right now," Jungwon admitted with a small chuckle as Jiyeon just hummed and leaned into the touch of his warm hand, "you like my hand?"

"You're warm," she muttered as an excuse and Jungwon let out a small chuckle.

"Are you cold?" he questioned and she just nodded quietly, "I'll lay with you."

Despite her being sick an excited smile spread on Jiyeon's face as Jungwon quietly stripped from his outer clothes and left himself in his dress pants and shirt. He carefully pushed Jiyeon a bit over in the bed before slowly getting under her duvet, doing his best to not let too much cool air enter it with him.

Once under the duvet he slid an arm under her head and snaked the other around her, just below her armpits, to bring her in close to him.

"I missed you," Jiyeon murmured as she nuzzled in to him, desperate to chase his warmth.

"I missed you too," Jungwon whispered and raked his hand through her hair to remove it from her face, "doctor Lee will make you better again. I'm sure of it."

"Mhm..." Jiyeon hummed quietly as she began tracing small patterns on his chest.

It seemed that now he was holding her close it really felt like to Jungwon that everything was gonna be fine. He didn't worry about her being sick. If she was sure of it just being a small flu, then so was he. 

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