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By now there was only two days until Jungwon was gonna get crowned, and there was... something about it that just seemed weird. Maybe it was the fact that today I would attend another of his speeches in town, not as his handmaid but as what now would be considered the future Queen. I packed my coat tightly around me as Jungwon showed me which of the chairs I should in beside his pedestal.

"Are you alright?" he softly questioned as I sat down, quietly nodding at him, "are you sure?"

"This just... it feels weird," I whispered and he smiled softly at me.

"But you know what, they're still gonna love you," he assured as the Japanese prince sat down beside me while his parents sat down on the other side of the pedestal along with the current Queen.

I watched as Jungwon stepped up to the pedestal looking through his papers. As I watched Jungwon a soft tap was on my shoulder and I immediately looked over to the Japanese crown prince, Nishimura Riki.

"Sitting," he quietly reminded and moved his legs to show me how I should sit, "Queen."

"Ah... thank you," I whispered and quickly moved my legs to mimick his.

A small smile immediately spread on his face before he gave me a small thumbs up immediately pointing back towards Jungwon, where my attention again was directed.

"Following up on my speech in which I dethroned my fatehr I am back once again to clarify the current status in the castle," Jungwon loudly stated as journalists immediately began noting things down, "upon further discussion and meetings in the castle, former king Hangyeol's son has denied his right to the throne, hence leaving no other choice but... to let me be crowned and be the future King of this country, my crowning will be November 5th... However, before I let the country accept me as their future king I will like to announce my plans for this country's future, which I got help to make... this country's future Queen has been so kind to let me in on the living standards of the lowest classes in this country," Jungwon admitted before looking over at me with a small smile, which only resulted in me smiling back at him, "she herself grew up in those streets in which the poverty was at its worst and I trust her in helping me understand the lives of the people of this country and how to improve it."

A bright flash had almost blinded me as my eyes were torn away from Jungwon. I looked over to a man with an utmost big construction in his hands, it must've been one of those modern cameras. He had almost stood right beside my ear as he had taken the picture taking me by surprise, only earning a small laugh from the Japanese prince.

"I wish to distribute the castle's wealth between the regions in the country. The plan is to distribute the wealth according to number of citizens residing in each region. The money will be free to use by the mayors in each region with the intention of improving life for the citizens. This will be creating better schools, universities and hospitals, as well as helping out the poorest in each region. Furthermore each region will calculate a tax for its citizens, this tax will be in percentages of each citizen, above 18, monthly salary. The money will as well go to improving the living of not only themselves but their neighbours as well. Included in this tax-law is the possibility of free healthcare and education, giving all kids and teens a possibility to get whatever education they wish despite however their parents' salary may be. I do realize that this all seem very ambitious, but I have a belief that this country can stand together to do this with the thought in mind that all lives will be improved. The tax-law will be set into action a year after my crowning, a year after the wealth of the castle has been distributed betwen the regions, the plan is to start with the regions closest to the castle as a test before we spread the tax-law out to the whole country. I have a lot of wishes in mind for the future of this country, but the very first thnig that will be changed is the work at the castle heritage. As of my fifth year as a king there will be no law in which someone is born into a work at the castle, it is of own free will and anyone in the country will be welcome to work at the castle... Thank you."

Jungwon quietly stepped down from the pedestal getting somewhat of a deafening applause that in no way could be compared to his last speech in town. With a relieved breath he looked over at me with a small excited smile as he bit down on his bottom lip. I think he finally felt assured that he would be a proper king for this country.

"Your Highness?" a voice called out immediately catching Jungwon's attention, "is there a possibility you can introduce the future Queen?"

My eyes immediately widened as Jungwon looked back at me with a questioning look. Meanwhile I got a small push from my other side, a small miscvhevious laugh coming from the Japanese prince. Without an exchange of words Jungwon extended his hand out towards me.

I quietly looked down before just pulling myself together, standing up and walking over to grab his hand. Within seconds he had pulled me into his side with a hand resting on my waist.

"I did well, right?" he quietly questioned as I looked up at him and just nodded, "and you know what?" he questioned once more and this time I shook my head, "I get that you're nervous about this right now, and having so many cameras around but... they're gonna love you."

"What's the name?" someone yelled out and for the first time I looked out while Jungwon gave my waist a small squeeze.

"Who's asking?" I automatically retorted by habit, earning a small laugh from Jungwon, "Lim Jiyeon."

"Queen Lim Jiyeon," someone yelled out and I quickly looked up at Jungwon in confusion.

"Just let them," he waved it off, "should we head back?"

"Please," I whispered.

Softly turning me around Jungwon began walking me back towards the castle, waving his goodbye to the people that had met up on the town's square to watch his speech.

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