feels like we drift apart yet were so close

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I am so sorry i took so long also this chapter is gonna be a bit long anyway enjoy

Jazmines POV :
The last couple of weeks have been really strange between me and Huey. He's always avoiding me. I'm not sure why but I'm going to go over to his house later today and see if you would want to hang out, maybe go to the hill.

Knock knock, I knocked on the Freeman's door Riley answered" aye what up" Riley said opening the door to let me in before going back to his game. I smiled in response. Then walked upstairs and peaked into Huey's room to see he was asleep with a book dangling in his hand before it drops to the floor. I giggled quietly.

Then I crept in the room and looked at the book. it was some book about Martin Luther King. I thought it was kinda weird that Huey was sleep in the middle of the day he's usually always up. "Huey" I whispered. He didn't move he is probably used to Mr.Freeman yell for him to get up. Then I got an idea. I got up on the bed and jumped up and down.

"Huh ... Jazmine what are you yawn.. doing here" Huey asked still half asleep. I sat down on the bed and said "why wouldn't I be here" Huey yawned then shrugged. "Huey" jazmine asked. "Jazmine" Huey responded "why have you been avoiding me" I ask. It was silent for a moment before Huey says "um.. What do you mean"
I frowned "you know what I mean" Huey shrugged. There was another moment of silence with me and Huey just looking at each other. Then he sighed and stood up and walked to his computer. "Huey.. You didnt anwser my question" I told him. "I know" he told me "well why" I asked "Cause I can't answer it" he said simply. "Why" I asked again. He frowned "because... Jazmine what do you want" Huey said back.

"For you to answer me" I told him back. "What's it to you" he asked starting to get frustrated. I sighed. "Your my best friend still ... Right" I asked "yes jazmine" he sighed. "Good let's go" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him to the door, he let me. "Let got to the hill" she asked "maybe we can talk there" she add.

When we got there it was quite. "Jazmine" Huey said

Weird that's the first time Huey has ever started a conversation with out me asking him to

"Yes" I answered. He stared over the city for a bit. "Yes" I repeated. He shook his head. I sighed frustratedly. "Your always so distant, and now more than ever what is the matter Huey" I asked. He shook his head once more. "I bet its that you kissed me" I said with a smile.

Huey face tuned bright red "no" he said quickly. I laughed "then why are you blushing freeman" I giggled some more. Heuy looked away. "Awww Freeman that's cute" I cooed. Huey stude up and started to walk down the hill. "Wait come back" I giggled.

Huey POV:

Man jazmine thinks she know everything, well she doesn't I don't care about the kiss it was just a kiss, ... My first one kiss whoa stop thinking like that you don't like jazmine. Or do i

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