
"Well.." My voice trails. I give up, sighing.

"Oh you like him." El teased, as I could feel her wiggling her eyebrows.

"What the.. No!" I shout defensively, scrunching up my nose in the process. "El, I HATE him, get that through your head." I rose my voice.

-Harry's POV-

"What the.. No!" I hear a faint shout coming from above me. I lower the volume, listening intently as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"El, I HATE him, get that through your head." I hear Jane say weakly, but she was still shouting.

I smirked. Well the feeling's mutual. If you think Jane's all goody two shoes, she isn't. She's a bad ass just like me. Back in high school, there were always tons of rumors going around that she cheated on her current "boyfriend" with some jock on the football team.

So we're both just as evil, if she can't see. Oh I'm not evil.. Think of me as a.. Fallen angel.

I sigh, turning off the tv as I got to my feet, walking around her living room, still naked. I mean I don't see what's so bad about walking around naked. God made us like this, so why can't we just be naked all the time? That's just what I think.

I cross my arms over my chest, seeing the picture frames all over the walls.

The pictures were mostly of Jane with people I didn't even know, and some that were slightly familiar.

I glare at the last one of Jane all wet at some water park in her bikini as she had a duck face on.

Damn, she was hot. But that's all I really saw her as. Just some hot chick who had some feisty attitudes.

I walked to the sideways, stumbling slightly over a small shelf.

"Shit." I whispered.

My eyes travelled over to the shelf, seeing movies, books, and.. Video tapes?

There were only a few, but they had words written in sharpie.

'HIGH SCHOOL MEMORIES' one wrote as I pondered. Well who else went to high school?

I slipped it out, sliding it over my hands as I flipped it over.

Walking over to the tv, I curiously slipped it in, falling back onto the couch as I pressed play.

"Hello, I'm Jane Hendricks!" It started. She looked like she was in just the 9th grade in this one..

And then I suddenly remembered. I remembered doing this time capsule thing where we had to enter a recording booth and basically just record ourselves, talking about ourselves.

I smirked. The only one I've actually watched was mine, really.

She looked so.. Different. Back then she was a bit dorkish, but when it came to 11th grade and up, she was probably one of the hottest girls at school.

Well obviously the only time capsule video I saw was mine, because I remembered no one ever got to see it except for ourselves.. But since Jane kept hers, I had full access to her deepest secrets.

"Soo, I'm Jane, and I'm new here. I'm in the 9th grade, so please don't tease!" She smiled. "It has been about a month through my first year here, and I guess you could say I am enjoying it."

Sleeping With The Enemy (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now