The Birth of Electra Void

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Druid sat beside the tank and stared into the liquid. The girl was about 19, with a shaved head and skin tinted blue by the gel she had been suspended in for the last ten years.

"What do you think?" His assistant asked.

Druid looked up at the short, balding man.

"I hired you to create a cyborg to assassinate people, not model." He said. "It looks like it couldn't even fight me."

"That's where you're wrong, Dr. Abaddon." The other scientist, a middle aged woman with an eye patch, replied.

Druid turned to look at him. "Oh, really? I'm very close to dropping the funding for this project. Orestes is much more promising."

"Not necessarily. Electra suffered from a rare disease that left it paralyzed. We were forced to give it new bones made of flexible titanium in its legs and back. Its lungs were not very strong, so we removed them completely."

He tried not to show how interested he was. "It doesn't have to breath?"

The scientist nodded. "Also, we replaced its eyes with specially made computers which are wired directly to her brain. It can see twenty times better than the average human. Its hearing is also enhanced. It will still have to eat, but its enhancements mostly run on its solar batteries."

"How strong is she?" Druid asked.

"We aren't quite sure. It should be able to lift at least ten times its own body weight."

"That's not much. That's what, 800 pounds?" He stood up. "I say we scrap it. We can make something else before the deadline."

The door of the chamber opened and a young woman with blonde hair stepped inside. She was pretty, especially in her red dress. Druid forced himself to ignore her.

"Aren't you going to say hello, Druid?" She asked.

"What are you doing here, Abigail?" He replied.

"Just wanted to see how your contest entry was doing." She peered into the tank. "Doesn't look like much, does she? What do you think, Orestes?"

A tall man with the build of a bodybuilder stepped into the chamber. He was forced to duck to get through the doorway. He had short, dark hair and an expressionless face. Like Electra, his skin had been dyed blue by the preservative gel.

"No threat." He said without inflection.

"How do you know, Cyborg?" The scientist asked.

"My scanners sense that the technology in the Bionic's design is inferior."

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