The End

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At first, the End of the World was just another Wednesday. I went to work early that morning, unconcerned by the rumors that plagued the city. When I got to the station, I was stopped by my partner, Rhodes. He was a rookie, only 22, five years younger than I was.

“Did you hear about the cannibals up near Scarsdale?” He asked me as soon as I stepped up to our squad car.

“No.” I replied, tying up my hair.

“A couple of people have been found dead and eaten.”

“We're not responsible for Scarsdale.”

Rhodes sighed. “Don't you get excited or worried about anything, Valencia?”

I shrugged and got in the driver's seat. “I've heard weird cases before, Rhodes. People are strange creatures, and sometimes they do messed up things.”

I tried to start the car, but the engine just sputtered.

“Damn.” I said. “Guess we're staying at the station today unless there's an emergency.”

The young man groaned and pushed back his short blond hair. “Not again. I hate this car.”

I opened the door and climbed out. “Don't hate the car, saved my life last year.”


“Another car rammed me and we went over a guardrail. I escaped with just a cracked collarbone.”

I closed the door gently and went upstairs. The main floor was crowded with people, most of who were running towards the front doors and the garage below.

I grabbed the arm of another officer.

“What's going on?” I asked.

“There's some sort of riot going on.” She replied before rushing on.

“Does this happen often?” Rhodes asked.

I shook my head. “Not usually, let's go.”

We went outside and down the street. As soon as we rounded the corner we could hear screams. Smoke rolled down between the buildings.

“What the hell?” I asked.

A man stumbled out of the smoke, coughing and gasping.

“They're going to kill us all!” He screamed, his voice hoarse.

“Who?” I asked, running towards him.


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