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Here I was on the phone with shinsou with a pout

"Daddy?"I said softly with a slight whine in my tone

I can here him sigh already knowing the question since I kept asking it for the last ten minutes since the call started

"Yes baby?"

I look down fidgeting with my pants

"Are you still mad at me?"

"Like I said before,I'm not mad at you,you're forgiven I told you this,you're not in trouble"he reassured for the 100th time


"But?"He said,I can feel that he has his eyebrow raised

"But your not gonna watch me.."

"And I told you because that's your punishment and you deserve it,now I got to go,I love you and behave"

He then hung up the phone making me whine,I've been trying to convince him to come to watch me for the last two days and there is two days till the show

I know I deserve it but I really want him to watch me.

I crawled into bed and laid there I didn't feel like going to the photoshoot anymore,I felt like there wasn't any point

I wanna go home,I had to get the puppy's flyed back home because they got sick by eating something here so now I was alone

I wanna go home with the puppy's and shinsou, and be covered in kisses from head to toe

Soon I started to cry into the covers as salius comes is

"Come on Denks,you gotta get up,we have to go"

"I don't wannaaa"I whine Out with a small cry

For the next five minutes he was trying to get my out of bed

"Get up or I'm gonna fall shinsou!"

"Call him I don't care!it's not like he cares!"I say sniffing my nose and rubbing it

Salius frowned as he walked out the room and called shinsou

A couple more minutes comes back in and hands me the phone

"Denki kaminari."

"Hitoshi shinsou."I say with a sniff rolling my eyes

"Get your butt out of that bed and get in that car to go do that photo shoot right now."

I let out a cry and scream no

"Don't you raise your voice at me! Listen here,I know your upset but if yo-"before he finishes I hang up in his face and get up and kick salius out with his phone and lock my door

You have my heart..Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora