Absolutely not!

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Here I was sitting in some big ass house on the mystery mans couch across from him with an ice pack on my check.I was just sitting there before I heard footsteps come down form the hall and seen him

"Feeling better darling?"

He asked in a smooth tone that somewhat pissed me off"better If I wasn't seeing your face or knew why I was here for"I said back making his face go straight as he walked over getting all into my personal space "have you heard of fucking personal spa-" he cut me off by grabbing me by my throat

"Watch your mouth before I put it to some use"

I stayed quiet after that as he let go with a smirk sitting down on the chair across from me"now you will talk to me with respect and I will answer you with the same respect you gave me,got it?"

I sighed with a small nod"great!well you asked who was I earlier when I saved you form those guys,I'm Hitoshi shinsou but it won't matter because you won't be using my name in the first place"

"What's that supposed to mean..?"

I asked softly removing the ice pack form my face,the stinging from the slap had gone away so I didn't need it but there was a handprint there

"You will find out later dear"he said giving me this smirk

"Now,you will belong to me,I saved your life,so I get to have it"

"No fucking way! You saved me from some harmless thugs that just wanted to touch me!I could of handled them myself!"

"Actually,they were not,they were a group of serial killer that pray on small stupid blond boys like you rape them then kill them and throw away there body's,now watch your tone talking to me,kid."

I sat there not knowing what to say as I looked down as he said "from this day on you are mines and if you don't cooperate..it's your life hun."

I looked up at him an nodded quickly.I didn't want my life taken..not without a fight.

"Now come on"he said as he got up i got up to as he led me up the stairs

"We're is my room since I'll be staying here.."

"You mean our room."

"No I mean mine,I'm not sleeping with you."

"You like testing my nerves do you?"

"Just a little."

Next thing I was over his shoulder and in a bedroom as hr threw me onto the bed then locked the door as I tried to crawl off the bed but soon was dragged back and pulled over his lap

"Hey!! Put me down you ugly Id-"


A sharp pain was felt onto my bottom as I let out a small gasp then a little cry

"I told you to respect me and to not test me but you did."

He said as he landed another hit onto my bottom making me grip onto his pants as I stayed quiet holding back my tears

"Mm quiet now eh?"

He said as storm of slaps were on my bottom making me let out cry's and pleads for him to stop.

"When I ask for you to do something I expect for you to do it do you understand?"

I stayed quiet before he hit my bottom again

"I asked.do you understand!?"

"Y-yes yes! I understand..!"

"Yes what?.."

"Yes s-sir.."

I could feel him smirk as I was lifted up and was put on the bed laying on my stomach as I felt something cold onto my bottom making me fletch

"Calm down I'm just putting Something to stop the pain."

He said before stopping and pulling my pants up as he sat me up

"Stay here as I start a bath for you."

He said as he left.

Welp there goes my free will...

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