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Now here we are in the line with are fake ids for the club

Sure we could get in being 19 and all but we still gotta be 21 to drink and are main reasons of  coming was to drink

Next it was me and Mina in next so once we got to the bouncer we handed our ids and he looked at them then us then handed them back and let us in

Once we got in we squealed happily as he ran over to the bar and got drinks right away

And let me tell you we are no light weights so we took shot after shot

I felt a ding in my pants pocket and took out my phone and lord and behold it was a text from shinsou

"Have you guys found a place to go"

"Yes and we are having fun so it would be nice if you stopped texting me."

"I would sagest you watch who your talking to"

"You make it sound like your my boyfriend."

"I'm your dom show me some respect"

"I'll show respect we you give me enough freedom like a normal human being and not some object on display."

"You better be home by eight or else."

"Or else what?your gonna spank me and take what?the rest of my freedom away?go ahead I know you love seeing me all pathetic and helpless like a scared bunny."

"Your pushing it Denki."


I turned off my location from sharing it with him then turned off my phone

I could feel him text me from my pocket buzzing but ignored it

Tonight is for me to let loose and feel happy

"Hey you ok you look upset?"

I turn to see...

Well fucking shit

Shinsou brother

"Erm..yeh I'm ok.."

"Ok,we'll dose shinsou know your here"

I rolled my eyes with a scuff and took my last shot on the table as I looked back and watched mina dance with Different Boys and girls

"No and I don't want him too,honestly I'm tired of hearing his name and thinking of his face at the moment"

"Oh so I'm right something did happen"

"Congratlfuckinglations,what do you want a cookie?"

"That's no way to talk to someone who just wants to help"

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