I need you to trust me

Start from the beginning

This was a daunting task in itself since these weren't just any vampires, they were the Originals. Esther wanted Bonnie and the rest of the Mystic Falls gang to deceive her children into giving up their blood. The very same people who would massacre the lot of them and all who have met them for their scheming. Naturally, the Salvatores took it upon themselves to engage in a bar brawl with Kol the day after the ball, electing Bonnie to subdue him in order to get his blood. They loved the idea because they didn't have to pretend to be mates. Still, the mission failed as Bonnie expected and their next plan involved commissioning Caroline to sweet talk Klaus into lending her some 'emergency blood'. 

So far they only had Klaus's blood.

This was dangerous territory, the vampires were encroaching since all of the Originals could take each of them out without blinking. Trying to separate herself from the Salvatore brothers' hare-brained ideas that would likely land them all on a bed of roses, Bonnie had spent most of her time laying low over the week and honing her silent magic attacks, with as much power as she could muster.

Try as she might to keep a low profile, an explosion at a nearby farmhouse coincided with the arrival of a mysterious stranger. At first, the Salvatores suspected him of causing the disaster, which killed a group of townspeople, but soon learned that this stranger, being immune to compulsion, was more interested in the supernatural locals. He was a vampire hunter, the first that they'd encountered.

Bonnie thought vampires were brutal, but the way this hunter tried to bait the town vamps to come 'out of the coffin' so to speak, disgusted her. He gutted April Young at her father's- and the rest of the townsfolk that perished in the explosion- funeral and left her to bleed out, in hopes someone would succumb to bloodlust. This was especially dangerous for Elena, still being a fairly young vampire. Caroline had caught sight of his vampire arsenal in passing before the start of the service so Bonnie took it upon herself to act as the distraught funeral patron and excused herself to the bathroom after Caroline subtly informed her in what direction she could sense blood, panic, and pain. When she came across the girl she had to call for human help, instead of having her healed with vampire blood so as to not risk exposure. She had a feeling the person responsible wasn't above fighting in front of the public.

Unfortunately, before help arrived in a timely manner, April succumbed to her wounds. Damon went to trail the perpetrator while Caroline took Elena to the Grille to get her some food and a blood bag on the way to calm her nerves, but not before informing Bonnie and Stefan that she'd given April her blood the day before, after an attack by Rebekah.

Stefan volunteered to give Bonnie a ride home, she suspected because he wanted to question her about her stalling on her part in procuring Kol's blood, but of course, he disguised it as he was concerned for welfare after the brutality she'd just witnessed.

Outside of her home, Bonnie beseeched Stefan in an effort to sway his reconsideration of their "attack or seduce Mikaelson by Mikaelson" method. 

"It's too dangerous. And things are even more unpredictable now that this hunter is in town. If you don't think the Originals will catch on, you're a damn fool and just as insane as Damon, which is who I'm guessing came up with this idea. How he talked you into it is beyond me," Bonnie threw her hands up in frustration.

"Bonnie, we already have Klaus's blood. I can get Rebekah's and Katherine can get Elijah's. All you need to do is-"

"No, Stefan. I'm sorry."

"Elena told me about the doppelgänger," Stefan said coolly.

Bonnie frowned and searched Stefan's face. "Are you seriously threatening an innocent girl? To me of all people?"

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