Disaster Dinner

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Y/n's POV

Katie and I continue dancing, laughing at how fun we were having. "Kids, dinner!" Mrs.Mitchell calls out, making the two of us stop dancing. "Coming!" The two of us respond and rush around the room to collect our things. 

"Where's my phone?" Katie asks, patting around the bed. I laugh and pick it up from the nightstand. I hold my phone out to Katie, who smiles and kisses my cheek. "Thanks!" She chirps before rushing out of the room with me following behind closely.

We arrive and see Aaron already situated at the dinner table. With a smirk, Katie grabs a couple of empty bottles and starts pretending her little brother's head is a drum head. Aaron starts laughing at his sister's antics, telling her to stop.

"Well, someone's in a good mood." Mrs.Mitchell notes and walks over to the stove. "Hey to celebrate your last night," She then picks up two cupcakes and shows us the frosting. "Katie and y/n face cupcakes!" I laugh in astonishment while Katie wows at the dripping face.

"Anytime I miss you two, I'm gonna bake you and eat you." I laugh harder and grab on that has Katie's face. I hold the cupcake next to Katie. "Hm, the resemblance is amazing, not to mention it captures your good looks." Katie scoffs and grabs a cupcake of my face. "Yeah, Mom sure knows how to make them look like you." I snort and set the cupcake down, wanting to save room for dinner.

"Here. Catch a cupcake, Monch." Aaron says, grabbing my attention. I look over to see him getting ready to throw a sweet treat to the excited dog. Aaron tosses the cupcake, and Monchie tries to catch it, but the baked good sticks to his face. However, the cute little dog just tries to go and lick it off his face and eat it. "Aww, buddy." I coo and help him out. "He'll get it soon," Aaron says in an assured tone. "Ah, man. I'm gonna miss that little dude when we leave." Katie admits, staring fondly at the derpy canine.

She then lights up and picks up her phone. "Speaking of which, Pal, check me in to my flight tomorrow." She orders the assistant on her phone, which replies. "Check-in at nine am."

Aaron then starts to look nervous. "Katie, you know how velociraptors usually hunt in groups?" Katie looks up from her phone and I sit next to her. "Well, what happens when two leave the pack and- and um..." He trails off, his eyes looking down sadly. Katie and I give each other a worrying look to each other. I quickly nudge my head to the boy, feeling Katie should say something.

Katie nods and looks back at Aaron. "Aw, dude, don't worry. You'll make new friends. And maybe you can meet another smart, charming, dinosaur-loving nerd." Aaron smiles a little, happy about this. Katie then shoots me a look, and I know what she wants. I rest my elbows on the table and place my head over my hands. "Or lady nerd," I tell the boy, who looks at me with wide eyes.

"What?! No! Who-who would want that?" He asks nervously and tries to distract himself. "That's crazy." He laughs before freezing in place. "I can't breathe," He whispers. Katie laughs a bit and my grin grows wider. Aaron then looks worried again. "Do you really think I'll be okay without you guys?" He asks, his eyes not leaving his phone.

"We know you will," Katie says and holds her hand out. "Raptor bash!" She commands. We all snarls and put our claw-formed hands together. Katie then takes her laptop, opens it up, and types something in. "Hey, we made something for you guys," Katie tells her family, which Mrs.Mitchell comes to see. "Oh, Hons that looks so cute." She tells us while getting dinner on the table.

"Thanks, Mrs.Mitchell. I think this is Katie's best work yet." I inform the woman, who then laughs. "Y/n. I told you not to be so formal. Just call me Mom. You know I already think of you as my daughter, even if you two are not married yet." She quips. Katie turns bright red while I hide my face. "MOM!" Katie shouts, clearly embarrassed of this. Mrs- Mom chuckles and gestures Katie to play the video, to which she reluctantly complies.

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