Her hand swiped over her face and she studied herself a little longer. Just relax. It will be okay. The best option right now was to stay calm. Everything would be alright...eventually. She just had to get herself together until the day was over. And to her disappointment it had just begun.


A few minutes later, Naomi walked out of the bathroom. The people in the lobby were now gone and she assumed that they went back to work. She quietly promised herself that today would go by smoothly as long as she avoided Mr. Mogul. There was nothing else to say to him. She was too embarrassed to confront him or even look at him in the face. What would he even say to her? Her mind was set on ignoring him and she would only speak to him when she strictly had to.

Naomi strolled down the hallway past the conference room to a door on the left, labeled 707. Quietly opening the door, she stepped into the room and a gust of voices filled her ears. The space was large. The glass windows among the walls offered plenty of light and the room impressively held a lot of people along with their own desk. Her colleagues were staggered around the room. Some were typing frantically on their desktop computers while others spoke lively into their work phones. On each of their desks they had files of singles who they would later match up with someone.

As a match-maker the process was simple. A single person signs up on the Cupid's Arrow website; and they immediately get assigned a match-maker. Their match-maker personally searches for other singles in their area who has signed up and tests out their client's interests and focal points. The client is able to meet with the match-maker when scheduled an appointment and they can speak about their love life and potential matches. This will greatly influence and assist the match-maker in choosing the perfect match for their client. Once the match-maker finds someone they see their client having potential/a future with, they assign each other on date and they go from there. The match-maker is there to start and push the relationships. They observe its potential.

Naomi made her way over to her desk and placed her bag under it. Her desk was right next to Veronica who was already there speaking to a client over the phone. Naomi found her seat and started up her computer. Once it was finished, she went to Cupid's Arrow website and logged in. Scrolling and looking through her messages and replying to two of her clients, she noticed she was assigned a new client. She clicked on the profile:

Name: Noah Alexander

Sex: Male

Age: 29

Occupation: Lawyer

Naomi's eyes scanned over his profile picture and she felt her stomach drop. Holy shit. He's gorgeous... In his picture he was wearing a black suit which sculpted his muscular frame perfectly. His dark brown hair was neatly combed back and styled. Her eyes remained fixed on his face. He had a subtle beard which was impressively well groomed and put together. She couldn't help but be in a trance staring at his light brown eyes that seem to pierce through her in the screen. Her gaze lowered down his body and she felt her cheeks getting hot. She noticed his toned arms and immediately wondered what it would be like to be wrapped in his embrace. Or maybe even lying under him...

OK stop. This is inappropriate. Naomi forced herself to look away from the screen and tried her best to focus her thoughts on anything but her hot new client. She had to message him and introduce herself as his new match-maker and invite him to the single's ball this weekend. Naomi wiped her sweaty hands along her skirt, she couldn't think of him like that. For god's sake, he didn't even know she existed and even when he did meet her, would he even be attracted to her too? Alright, stop. You have to focus. Naomi clicked on the message box on his profile and gathered herself to start writing. Until a voice interrupted her movements,

"You okay?" Veronica asked as she noticed Naomi shifting in her chair.

She peered up at her and flashed her a polite smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine just about to message a new client," she responded while focusing her attention back on the screen.

Naomi's fingers teased the keyboard. Dear Mr. Hottie. No wait. Dear Mr. Gorgeous. She laughed to herself. A few seconds passed until she finally started writing and her demeanor turned serious. With her professionalism on the line, she pushed away any inappropriate thoughts she had about her new client. She was his match-maker and that's it and a little attraction wouldn't stop her from doing her job efficiently.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. It seems that Naomi has taken an interest in her new client, Noah (; let's see how she deals with her attraction towards him...

But please don't forget to vote, comment, and share.

Happy reading!(:

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