"I was...I was just..." he was befuddled to what had happened. His dream felt like two minutes, not two hours. "I was just daydreaming" he finally said. His father gave him a sad smile knowing Katsuki has a lot on his mind. He didn't want to question the single tear that fell from his son's eye down to his cheek. He felt guilty that he missed his cousin's wedding because he couldn't get his feelings under control.

"come on son, come to the party, I'll get you a drink just don't tell your mother," Masaru said making Katsuki chuckle. if it calmed his son down from anxiety, he would do anything for him as his father did the same thing when it came to anxiety.

The friends had their table at the reception of the wedding. Masaru put a drink beside his son when he sat down which Katsuki was thankful for. "you okay man? You were pretty zoned out" Kirishima said and Katsuki nodded along. Kyoka looked at him knowing something was affecting him but she didn't know what it was.

"hey kitty kat, what happened to you?" Katsuki turned to see his cousin and a sudden ounce of guilt flooded through his soul. He didn't act like this usually but she knew something was up. "hey come dance with me" she said pulling him to the dance floor so she could talk to him in private. "are you okay cuz?" she asked as they both swayed together to the music whilst everyone watched the cousins dancing.

"not really," he said

"well, I kinda knew that. You were blanked out for hours, you missed dinner. What caused you to blank out?" she asked but her cousin was silent she didn't need an answer from him, the silence did that for her. "just tell her how you feel, it doesn't matter if she's in a relationship or not, you just need to tell her and you'll have that sheer relief lifted off your shoulders" Melody suggested but Katsuki just shook his head feeling anxiety rush through him again. For the first time, the cousin could see how much alike he was to her uncle. It saddened her because she hated Katsuki acting this way. "well what were you thinking about because the last time you blanked out, you said Grandad was talking to you" she said as they turned and danced around.

"I saw my wedding with her" he honestly spoke to his cousin. Like how it's been mentioned before, they don't hide anything together, they are honest. It's just how their cousin bond was since they were five. "I didn't want it to end," he said holding onto his cousin.

"aww, Katsuki" Melody lightly cried not wanting to let go of her cousin. She was his shoulder as he was hers on their bad days.


As hours went on, it was time for the bride and groom's first dance. Katsuki and Kyoka stayed seated whilst everyone already crowded the couple. Everyone was confused as to why there was no music and that's when Melody turned into Bridezilla. "STUPID FUCKING BAND MEMBERS! THEY'VE RUINED MY DAY!" she shouted which made Katsuki laugh. his laughter quickly stopped when Melody stormed over to him sitting down next to Kyoka. "Katsuki...I need you" she cried sitting on an empty seat and he knew what she was going to ask him but his head violently shook from left to right. "please, please, please!" she repeated.


"what?" Kyoka asked and Melody just shook her cousin trying to beg him for the request he was refusing.

"sing for us, please, you know the song it's grandad's favorite song" Melody cried but Katsuki shook his head. Kyoka was shocked to know that Katsuki sings.

"you sing?"

"not anymore"


"FUCK NO!" he yelled.

"I don't mind singing, what song Is it?" Kyoka said. Katsuki turned his head to Kyoka who shrugged as she didn't want to ruin the bride's day.

"it's a duet, it's meatloaf's version of coming back to me now" Melody cried "but the fucking band had to leave as one of the singers got sick!" melody stressed.

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