How horrible!! I'm
so glad you were there to
make sure that girl is safe!

I didn't expect the situation
to be so intense like this, but I'm
happy to have separated those two.
That girl deserves a lot better.

Do you feel okay, though?
Is this still bothering you?

I feel a lot better now that I
actually got to talk about it
with someone. You know the
guys down here at the station,
none of them are sensitive enough
to have a conversation like this.

Sure, Mark is really good with
talking about emotions, but
not when Kayee is always bothering
him lol.

Are those two still playing
cat and mouse with each other?
Haha good lord

Mark is oblivious, Kayee is
trying too hard, what more
could you expect from them? Lol.

Well, I'm gonna be getting back
to work now doll, chief is back
from lunch. Time to make a
million reports about this case

Okay sweetheart, the babies and
I are gonna go pick up the
boys. Anything specific for
dinner tonight?

Hmmm KFC? Ask the boys
if that's what they'd like to eat

Will do my love. I'll see you at
home, I love you❤️

I love you too snookums 😘

   Jin smiles and puts his phone down on the counter. He ponders on what Namjoon was telling him; about the girl being abused by her boyfriend. The thought made his own skin crawl and he thanked whatever force their was in the universe that Namjoon and his relationship was far from toxic like that. Their only real issue right now, was the discrimination towards their children for having them as parents.

   Letting out a sigh, Jin shakes his head, hoping those thoughts would fall to the recesses of his mind. He then looks towards the twins, who are helping Jungkook off the couch. Or at least Jimin was, Taehyung was busy crashing his toy cars into each other and speaking his little dialect he came up with.

   "Alright boys, how bout a snack and then we go pick up your brothers." He calls out.

   Taehyung immediately stops what he's doing and stands to run towards his dad, a toy car still in hand. "Daddy, daddy, can I has some juice too?"

   Jin smiles and leads the child into the kitchen. "Okay so how does cheese and apple juice sound?"

   "CHEESE, CHEESE, CHEESE!!!" Taehyung shouts.

   Jimin slowly enters into the kitchen, holding the small paw of Jungkook. But eventually, the toddler squirms out of Jimin's grasp and begins to walk on his own. "Mmmm!!!" Jungkook grunts, pointing to the fridge. He then tries to reach for the handle.

   This makes Jin chuckle. "Alright Jungkook, alright, you get a snack too." He picks up the toddler and places him in his high chair. "You're getting really good at walking honey! Appa will be so proud to see that!"

[Hobi's elementary]

   This weekend was Mother's Day, and Hoseok's school made it an effort to encourage their students to show their appreciation towards their mothers. Because of this, Hoseok's homeroom teacher passed out an activity so the students may give it to their mothers for Mother's Day.

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